Jimin woke up in the middle of the night, everything was deadly silent. He glanced over at the body laying next to him as an unconscious smile creeped over his face. The moonlight stroking yoongis pale skin softly. He wanted to caress yoongis cheek , tracing his jaw with his fingers but instead he scooted closer to yoongi and laid his head on his chest.
The rhythm of yoongis heartbeat calmed him and soon enough he fell asleep again.
-------- ✂-------------------
"wake up, sleepy head " yoongi mumbled as he shook jimin by his shoulders. He was still sleepy himself but he felt like it wasn't nice to stay asleep at your friends house. friends? they were more than friends, even if yoongi was having a hard time admitting that.
Yoongi was never that patient in his life when it came it to love but this time was different. With jimin, he didn't care about their physical connection. Yoongi was even surprised how he didn't dare to lay a finger on jimin and make a move. He didn't care this time. Their evergrowing emotional connection was what important to him when it came to jimin.
Yoongi crawled on top of jimin and played with his hair which was swirled into untamed curls. Jimins eyes flattered open slowly and he yoongi swore jimin stopped breathing when he looked up.
"It's 8 am. Do you know how long you've been sleeping?" Yoongi said with a fruity words. Of course, he meant it sarcastically. Because sometimes 8 am would be bed time for yoongi .Jimin groaned, avoiding yoongis strong gaze. He looked to the side and said with a softly spoken voice, "okay, get up "
A laughter escaped yoongis lips as he noticed the shy younger not daring to look at him. He placed his fingers under jimins chin and moved his head to face him gently. Jimins eyes widened as he looked up to the beautiful older smiling at him, his head slightly tilted.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me to get up again ", yoongi ordered and jimin instantly reddened. He knew he was blushing, he could feel the heat spreading all over his face and he knew that yoongi noticed too as a mischievous smile formed on his lips.
"Yoongi, pl-please g-get " jimin stopped mid sentence as he couldn't handle the elders gaze anymore and the evil smirk that was plastered on his face. At that moment jimin just wanted to disappear. Fully embarrassed, he now tried pushing yoongi away but yoongi caught jimins arms. He tightened his grip around jimins wrists and pinned them down on the pillow on either sides of jimin.
Jimin gulped and his heart started racing at a fast pace as yoongi lowered his head, inching closer and closer to jimins face. As soon as jimin felt yoongis breath against his lips he closed his eyes ready for the kiss. But nothing closed the gap between them.
Jimins eyes shot open and yoongi was still there, he didn't come one inch closer, "are you not going to kiss me?" Jimin whispered, dying to feel those soft lips of yoongi again on his own. Yoongi tilted his head, "why don't you just kiss me?" He said with teasingly.Jimin lifted his head up but before his lips could touch yoongis, yoongi had already pressed his lips onto jimins. Jimin let his head sink again into the soft pillow as yoongi started kissing jimin more passionately,fully taking control.
Jimin felt yoongi smirking into the kiss before pulling away, a string of saliva still connecting their mouths. Yoongi got up immediately, quite embarrassed . What was that about self control again?
After that yoongi and jimin washed themselves and got ready for breakfast . Yoongi followed jimin downstairs but was surprised as he bumped into jimin accidentally because he stopped walking out of sudden, "ouch, what's-"
Jimin kicked yoongi to shut him up and frowened. It was his dad, he was home. And his dad wasn't supposed to know. His dad didn't even support jimin to wear pink. Yes he was that kind of father. The one who wanted their kids to fit perfectly into society, not knowing that being different and being yourself was still part of society.
"yoongi I think you should hide", jimin whispered to yoongi "my dad is here"
"Yes, just go back to my room or-"
"You know what, i'm doing this", jimin said and grabbed yoongi by his arm ,pulling him behind him into the kitchen. His father looked up from his coffee, a questioning expression on his face. But before he could even ask any questions, jimin opened his mouth "father, I'm happily introducing you to my boyfriend "
It took jimins father a moment before it clicked in his head as he saw jimins fingers intertwined with the other's.
"What do you mean.. Boyfriend.. " jimins father asked trying not to lose his temper .
"Father.. It's exactly like you think ", jimin said and lowered his head afraid for whatever would happen next. He was ready to hear all the words, ready to get beaten up. He finally wanted to do what he wanted. He had done enough things to please his parents. This time he was going to risk it.
A deadly silence filled the room, jimin swore he could hear the anger boiling in his father's blood. It was an uncomfortable silent, and jimin was never so scared in his life. His hands were sweating like crazy and his heartbeat wasn't slowing down.
When he felt yoongi squeezing his hand tightly, he finally found the courage to look up and face his father. His father was looking at him ,eyes red,a scary harmful look on his face, his hands clenched into fists ,he didn't even notice the coffee spilled over the table.
As jimins fearful eyes met his father's strong gaze, his lips trembled, "fath-"
"Get out ",his own father whispered through clenched teeth " I never want to see your face again."
Yoongi wanted to speak up, he wanted to shout but then he felt like it wasn't his place to do so. He felt horrible. He felt so horrible for envying jimin all the time for the perfect family he thought he had. Perhaps jimins family was just as miserable as his own.
He pulled the silently sobbing jimin behind him as he left the house. He hoped they would call him back but they didn't. Not even jimins mother dared to say a word.
They got in the car and yoongi drove..
far ,far away.

strawberries & cigarettes || YOONMIN ✔ wattys2019
FanfictionIt all started when jimin met a mysterious guy at party, who soon ended up taking him on adventures at nights. Jimin has always been a good boy unlike yoongi who had a bad reputation. A lot changed when he met min yoongi and began sneaking out of th...