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Jimin and yoongi were sleeping on the couch together, their legs crossed. Jimins face was buried in the crook of yoongis neck breathing against his pale skin as he was sleeping. It was everything jimin ever wanted. He just wanted to be with him .

But things weren't that simple when it came to yoongi. A few minutes later jimins eyelids fluttered open to yoongis sleeping face, his lips slightly apart and his breathing peacefully.

"Yoongi", jimin whispered as he caressed the olders cheek not getting any reaction from him. He placed a soft kiss on yoongis ear before he removed himself from under the blanket, freeing himself from yoongis grip. He remembered yoongi falling asleep with his arms around his small waist. He remembered feeling home.

But a home is not always the best place to go, you don't always feel comfortable in your home. Sometimes, it's so cold you can't find warmth and sometimes you just want to run away. But at the end you always end up getting back to it.

Complicated, that's how jimin would describe his relationship with yoongi. It was as sweet as strawberries and as addicting and bad as cigarettes.

Jimin went to make some breakfast. He sighed as he looked at the empty shelves. There was nothing. Why was yoongi not taking care of himself? Jimin put on yoongis black leather jacket and headed to the nearest supermarket to get some milk and eggs. He wanted to make pancakes.

Heading back to yoongis house, he noticed the front door open. He knocked on it but entered as he got no response. What if someone broke in while yoongi was sleeping?

He gasped as he noticed that the couch was empty and the blanket on the floor, yoongi no where around, "y-yoongi?"

Suddenly a messy yoongi appeared, running inside, breathing heavily and gasping for air, "y-you.. where.. did.. you go?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"I- I just went to the supermarket to get some stuff. You were asleep so I just left.. " jimin said " and not to forget you always leave me without saying goodbye "

"Goddamit, jimin ",yoongi raised his voice, punching the door with his fist.

Jimin jumped back surprised, dropping the bags in his hands not daring to say a word.

"You got me so worried " yoongi said gritting his teeth, "do you know how scared I was? Or do you even know how scary this neighborhood is? Haven't you seen my broken window? A girl got kidnapped just two days ago.. At night. Jimin, this street is full of drunk and creepy men who don't mind breaking in to houses to get what they want !"

"I'm sorry-
I - I didn't Know. "

"you always leave me without saying goodbye",yoongi said imitating jimins high pitched voice , rolling his eyes. He closed the door behind him, pulling out a cigarette as he sighed deeply, trying to calm down.

Jimin didn't know if yoongi was overreacting or if this neighborhood was really as scary as yoongi had just explained. And if so, does it mean yoongi cares that much about him?

"Anyway ",jimin smiled trying to make the situation better " I'm gonna make us pancakes. You'll love them !"

Yoongi didn't say anything, he just nodded his head looking sorry for what just happened. But he had some anger issues. He couldn't control it.

Yoongi walked up to jimin who was standing at the kitchen counter, pouring some milk into the mixing bowl. He regret everything. Jimin was too good for him he thought as he wrapped his arms around jimin from the back without thinking, resting his chin on jimins shoulder, whispering into his left ear "do you know how to make pancakes?"

Jimin nodded as his face flushed. A weird feeling in his belly. He continued mixing the ingredients nervously, trying to ignore the hands around his torso and yoongis warm breath against his neck, giving him goose bumps.

"Don't you think we should add some sugar?", yoongi hummed, rocking back and forth.

"Oh, I forgot "

A while later they sat on the couch, the warm pancakes placed on the coffee table in front of them.

"Do you like them?"

"I do ."

Jimin responded with a smile, proud of his work. He hasn't made pancakes for a while so he was happy they turned out delicious, most importantly yoongi liked them.

"Yoongi, you're invited to dinner with my family today. I would be glad if you came ", jimin said softly as he poured syrup over his pancake.

Yoongi nodded, trying to swallow the food in his mouth "I wouwd wove to ."


I wove you guys!

When ever I feel like I've lost inspiration for this book I just listen to strawberries and cigarettes and it helps so much :)

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