It all started when jimin met a mysterious guy at party, who soon ended up taking him on adventures at nights. Jimin has always been a good boy unlike yoongi who had a bad reputation. A lot changed when he met min yoongi and began sneaking out of th...
For a moment, everything felt so unrealistic. He felt like it was just him in a weird dream. A nightmare to be more specific. His view was blurry and the voices got noisier with every second.
Why would anyone think that?
Jimin snapped back to reality when he heard Chan saying something, before he walked away, into the crowd. He couldn't recall what Chan's last words were. Right now, he just needed to escape the situation he was in. The stares and whispers. He grabbed his textbook hurrying to his class, hoping he could focus and forget about it.
He sat down quietly, in the back of the room, pulled out his notebook and payed attention to the professor. And that's when the class finally began. For a couple minutes, focusing seemed pretty easy. It wasn't until Chan's words started replaying in his head over and over again and the confusion messed up his head.
"Pss." The guy next to jimin hissed and poked jimins shoulder. Surprised, jimin turned to the guy, whispering, "what?"
"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention. What is he talking about now?", the guy whispered back.
"That idiot.", The guy pointed at the professor who was talking continuously.
"Oh", jimin whispered, shaking his head "I don't know. I wasn't paying attention either."
"Be quiet in the back!"
Both, jimin and the guy nodded and the professor continued. Suddenly, the guy grabbed jimins notebook and opened the first page. Jimin tried to look over to figure out what he was doing, but he couldn't really see.
Two seconds later, he got his notebook back. With a question written on the very first page.
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Jimin tilted his head in confusion, he looked at the guy next to him and nodded. He had dark brown hair and a sharp jaw line. His outfit was on point. He looked very handsome.
"That's crazy", the guy whispered, looking extremely excited."how does it feel to wake up from the dead?"
".. I was never", jimin grabbed his notebook aggressively and put it back into his bag. He just hoped the class would be over very soon.
When class finished, jimin quickly grabbed his bag and stood up when he heard his name being called, "hey ,jimin!"
"What?" Jimin hissed and faced the guy," why do you even talk to me?"
"Chill, dude. I wasn't planning on offending you or anything. I was just curious. I'm sorry!" He apologized.
"Believe me, you're not as curious as me." Jimin said.
"What do you mean?", the guy asked ,"I'm Eric by the way."
"Look, I have no fucking idea what is going on but I need to go", jimin explained, almost losing his mind.
"Oh, give me your number then. In case you need anything, you know."
Jimin was earlier home than expected. There was no sight of yoongi or his mom. But he was sure yoongi had to be back anytime soon. He laid down on the couch and stretched his leg. He wasn't used to this much walking. He walked all the way home because he needed to clear his head and overwhelming thoughts. His feet were hurting but it wasn't that bad.
He felt a vibration in his left pocket. He pulled out his phone thinking it was yoongi but it seemed like it was the guy from today's lecture. Eric.
Eric : Hey
Eric: It's me, eric.
Jimin : Hey
Jimin: I know
Eric : What are you doing?
"Hey, babe", the door opened and yoongi entered with a smile on his face. He bent down to kiss jimin who was still laying on the couch, "how was your day?"
"Good." Jimin just said and sat up.
"See? I told you it would be okay. That's great, jimin. I got you a donut." He said while handing a bag to jimin.
"No, thanks. I'm full."
"Oh, did you eat already?" Yoongi asked surprised.
"Yeah, your coffee is in the fridge in case you still want it", jimin said emotionless, grabbed his phone and left the living room. He walked upstairs to his room. Which wasn't his own room anymore. He texted Eric back.
Jimin : Nothing, chilling.
Eric : Oh cool
Eric : Can I come over?
Jimin: To help me with the classes I missed?
Eric: Sure! No problem
Jimin : Okay
He walked back downstairs to where yoongi was sitting, sipping his reheated cup of coffee. Yoongi could tell jimin was mad at him by the way he was acting. He never talked to him like this. And he never was so careless about yoongi coming back home after not seeing him for a while.
"Baby" jimin smiled, "can you go up please? My friend is coming to help me with studies."
"Oh that's great! I'm glad you found someone to help you out this quickly", yoongi took another sip, "I'll just finish this really quick."
Before jimin could say anything the doorbell rang. Jimin jumped up, "this should be him."
He went to open the door and let his new friend in. He politely greeted jimin and walked in facing yoongi who stood up to go to their room.
"Oh, hi. I'm eric." He introduced himself and yoongi nodded shaking the guys hand.
"Yoongi" he replied.
"Are you jimins elder brother or maybe cousin?" Eric asked.
"I'm his boyfriend." Yoongi said and with that, he left the two alone..