New Home

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Stokeley pov:

"Hey kid I never got yo name?" I asked hoping for a response.
Yet no response.
Until I heard a quiet mumble which I think came out to be " jah."

"well then Jah, welcome to your new home." I welcome him while feeling some sense of accomplishment.

" well do u want to see your room?" I asked not knowing what else to say.
All he did was give me a slight nod.

" ok let's go." I said grabbing his wrist lightly guiding him upstairs.
He seemed to be comfortable because there was no hesitation or pull when I grabbed his wrist which I thought for sure he would pull away. Maybe he's starting to trust me.

When we got to the room Jah's eyes widened but he said nothing.
" well this is your room." I re-inform.
He went straight for the bed laying down.

" hey wait don't yo think you should get cleaned up first?" I questioned knowing he needed a shower desperately.

He only looked at me with confusion.
" here I'll help you." I suggested holding my hand out which he took.

"So here's the bathroom I'll go get you a fresh pair of clothes while you get undressed." I inform him. I went to my room to try and find at least something that might fit him. I decided on an old black t shirt and red plaid pajamas pants. I also grabbed him a new towel and washcloth.

" hey so here are some pajamas and a towel and washcloth." I inform him seeing he still hasn't got undressed.

" You know you have to get undressed to get in the shower." I inform him. He still just stood there.

" ok I'll show you." I said walking over to him helping him lift of his shirt which he let me do. Then I quickly pulled his pants down around and off his ankles.

   I noticed that he had a large scar on the side of his thigh and it looks like the word BAD was carved into his skin. I decided not to ask him about it because it would probably just trigger him but I will have to at some point.

  " you want to take those off yourself." I said referring to his boxers. Which then he just points at me circling his finger which what I think Means turn around.

" ok ok." I agree turning around.

" are you done yet?" I ask but there was no response so I just turned around knowing he was probably done.

He was covering his man hood looking at me with worried eyes.

" it's ok now let's get you in the shower." I suggest but then I heard a quiet mumble which I made out to be "bath."

" oh ok I'll start a bath then." I suggest turning the shower knob off.

I could tell he felt a little uncomfortable and I mean I kinda did too. I just hope he can do the rest himself so things don't get more awkward.
I quickly bent down to test the water temperature.

" alright I think it's ready you wanna hop in."
I inform.
He slightly nodded and came closer but stopped when he got to me.
He looked at my for approval.

" go get in." I chuckle.

He quickly got in and I could swear I saw a slight smile on his face.

" so hears a washcloth and hears your towel I'll be in the room across the hall if you need me." I assure him.

His face seemed to fall when I said that though.

" it's ok you'll be fine." I assure him feeling like I was talking to a 5 year old.

I laughed to myself at the thought. As I headed over to my room my thoughts wondered off to Jah.

Where did this lil nigga come from?
Who gave him that scar on his leg?
Despite all that he is adorable. It might take me awhile to break his shell but I'll wait.
Hearing a knock at my door breaks me out of my thoughts.

" come in." I yell.

He slowly opens the door and stands at the doorway signaling he's done.

" ok good your all done let's get you to bed."
I recommend.
I grab his hand and lead him to the guest room which is now his. I couldn't deny he looked adorable in my pajamas.

" ok so I'll be just down the hall if you need me." I assure him once again. He slightly nods.

" ok goodnight Jah." I say beginning to walk out of the room but I stop and decide to ask one small question.

" hey Jah." he looks up at me with wide hopeful eyes " can you tell me your full name?" I curiously ask.

" Jah..seh On..froy." he stutters.

" thanks... goodnight lil nigga."

I head to my office to do some research hoping I'll find something about jahseh.
I simply type Jahseh Onfroy and what comes up shook me.
This can't be the same person.

So cliff hanger there.
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