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Jahseh's pov:

School is finally over for the day but it's not over for me. I still have to go to detention and better yet Diego will be there. He's going to think I bailed him out or something.

As soon as I enter the classroom where the detention is held I notice that Diego is not here yet. I honestly wonder if he'll even show up.

I quietly take a seat in the back and hope that this will go by fast. As long as Diego doesn't show up I'm good. Either way I'm going to have some explaining to do to both Diego and Stokeley. I just hope Diego can wait for tomorrow. When do I ever get my way though.

Soon enough Diego was walking through the door with a glare evident on his face. I tried to hide a little hoping he wouldn't notice me but of course he did.

" do you know why I'm in here?" Diego questions me with a hint of annoyance. We both very well know why he's in here and it's not my fault. If he would stop texting me in the middle of class then neither of us would be here right now.

" yeah because you were texting me in the middle of class and the teacher took my phone," I inform him honestly.

" nah it's because you bailed me out, you pussy ass nigga," Diego spits at me. I'm not even going to try and fight with him because I could care less about what he thinks.

" nah but ok," I respond before going onto my phone.

" I'll let this one slide but yo ass better skip with me tomorrow," Diego teasingly demands.

" nah I'm good," I simply decline.

" I ain't asking," he informs me before smirking.

" see you tomorrow," he finishes before getting up and walking out as the teacher yells at him to get back inside. How am I ever going to get rid of him?

Soon enough detention was over and I knew I had to call Stokeley and tell him what happened. I would of probably gotten away with telling him if I didn't need a ride to the house.

I quickly and regretfully call up Stokeley. He answers in a raspy voice.

" are you busy right now?" I slightly mumble nervously.

" yeah kinda why?" He asks me with a slight hint of concern.

" well I kinda need a ride home," I nervously inform him.

" did you miss the bus?" Stokeley assumes.

" no I kinda got detention," I quickly mumble hoping he didn't hear.

" you what?" Stoke asks with slight fury in his tone.

" I can explain," I quickly defend myself. He then informs me to tell him all the details and by the end of it he's still quite mad.

" what did I say about texting in class?" He tests me making me shrink back in guilt.

" not to do it," I childishly mumble.

" exactly, now you got in trouble for texting in class and that's fully your fault so I don't want to hear anymore excuses and we'll discuss the rest at home," Stoke sternly informs me. I thought he would side with me. I thought he would understand but he obviously doesn't.

" are you still going to pick me up?" I ask in a small voice.

" yeah I'm already on my way. I'll be there in 10," he informs me.

Soon enough I saw his car pulling in. My nerves started to take over. I hope he just lets this go.

Sadly enough for me once I reached his car I saw that he was still completely pissed. Well good bye to my ass.

What do you think Stokeley's going to do?

Do you feel bad for Jahseh?

Do u blame Jahseh or Diego?

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