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Stokeley's pov:

I woke up feeling my arms wrapped tightly around Jah's small waist. The memories from last night flooded back to me. Did I really kiss Jah?

This can't go on after all he's only 16. I fucked up badly. What was I thinking. How am I supposed to explain to him that everything that happened last night meant nothing. I don't deserve him.

I start to feel Jah rustle a little bit in my arms. Soon enough his eyes peek open to meet mine. Jah immediately blushes once our eyes meet.

" How'd you sleep?" I ask him in a caring tone.

" good daddy." He mumbles shyly. I don't know how to respond but the smirk that appears on his face is telling me he didn't forget what happened last night.

" you want some breakfast?" I ask trying to ovoid talking about last night.

" no." Jah answers boldly.

" and why not?" I ask curiously. Jah then shyly cuddles into me. It's going to kill me to have to hurt this little angel but I rather break him off now as not much has happened then hurt him when we get too deep into an actual relationship.

" Jah about last night..." I start as I see Jah's eyes widen at the subject.

" it can't happen again." I quickly inform him. His expression immediately sinks. I feel really bad but I'm 10 years older than him and he's not even 18 yet. I could go to jail and I just can't take that risk.

Jahseh's pov:

I hid my head in Stokeley's chest as he informed me we could never be together. I didn't want him to see the hurt that covered my face. I tried not to cry but still a small tear escaped my eye. I should of known Stokeley could never love me that way. No one could. I'm ugly. I guess I just thought this time was different.

" I'm sorry Jah but I'm just protecting you." Stoke informs me. All I know is that's bullshit. The most he could do is tell me the truth.

" are you mad at me?" Stoke asks. I want to tell him yes but I have to respect his decision. So I nod my head indicating that it's all good.

Stokeley's pov:

I hope Jah isn't truly upset with me. I feel like I just made everything a lot more awkward between us. Why'd I even do that in the first place. If I Just would of never kissed him everything would be back to normal.

" alright well I'm going to go get some breakfast and when your hungry come join me." I inform Jah trying to leave the room before the tension between us gets even more awkward.


Jah's been really quiet today. He's only responded to basic things like yes or no questions. It's almost like he's ignoring me. He's making me feel really guilty about everything. I can't go back on what I said though. It would only make matters worse. He will just have to get over it.

" Jah can you come down hear and take your laundry back up to your room." I ask of him.
Yet I hear no signs of movement. I wait 10 more minutes and realize he's not coming.

I decide to go upstairs and see what he's doing. I enter his room to see him on his phone. Once he notices my presence he immediately glares at me.

" Jah I asked you to come downstairs to grab your laundry." I remind him. Yet I get no response. So I come over and snatch his phone from him. That immediately got a reaction out of him as he irritatedly reaches for his phone.

" your not getting it back until you pick up your clothes." I inform him sternly. We both know the clothes are not what this fight is actually about though. Jah quickly runs down stairs to pick up his clothes and then comes back.

" ok I did it can I have my phone back now." Jah says with an attitude.

" not until you lose that attitude." I inform him.

" well I wouldn't have one if you didn't....." Jah starts saying before he quickly stops himself. First off that's the most I've heard him talk all day. Second he's probably glad he didn't finish that sentence. I'm glad too because it would of probably only made matters worse.

What do you think Jah was going to say?

Is their relationship going to slow or do u like how it's going?

Did Stoke do the right thing?

Do you think they will work it out?

Little cliff hanger there just going to make u wait for part 2.

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