Poorly Jah

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Stokeley pov:

I get up heading down the hall to go wake up Jah.
Once I get there I see that he's gone and so are his sheets.

" Jah" I yell a little panicked.

I rush down the stairs to see if he might be in the kitchen.

" Jah" I try again but there was no answer.

I then hear the washing machine pick up.
I quickly head up to where the washing machine is located.

Once I get there I see that Jah is trying to wash his sheets.

" Jah... what are you doing?" I ask confused.

He quickly snaps around at the sound of my voice with a look of panic across his features.

" tell me" I tell him sternly this time.
Small tears start to pull around his eyes.

" no Jah just tell me... I promise I won't be mad" I assure him.

He then points to the stain on his sheets.

"Are you not feeling good Jah?" I ask him full of concern.
He nods his head meaning that he was feeling poorly.

" ok how bout you go lay down and I'll clean this up ok?" I suggest to him.

" where?" I here him softly mumble.

" uhh.. go sleep in my room" I inform him before he scurries off.

Once I was done with his sheets I realized I should probably get him a bucket Incase he throws up again.

I open the door to see that Jah is still not asleep.

" Jah why aren't you sleeping?" I ask him full of concern.

" it hurts" he quietly answers.

" here I'll go get some medicine" I announce before quickly heading to find some.

" alright Jah try this" I say handing him a pill and some water.

Once he's done I press my hand against his forehead to see if he might have a fever.

" your really warm Jah" I say concerned.

" I'm going to go get the thermometer" I inform him.

Once I'm back I ask Jah to open up his mouth.

" lift your tongue up" I instruct while inserting the thermometer under his tongue.

" close" I instruct.

Once I heard the beep I slid it out and checked the temperature that appeared.

" oh my Jah your at 102 degrees" I inform him quite concerned.

" I'm going to run you a cold bath" I inform him only to see his eyes widen in fear.

" don't worry it will feel nice" I assure him not really telling the truth.

Once I have the water ready I head back over to my room.
I look at Jah and see that he was only getting worse.
Small whimpers left his lips as he slightly shivered.

" alright Jah let's get you in the bathroom" I say before placing one hand under his back and the other under his knees.
I then picked him up carefully carrying him to the bathroom.

Once we get there I carefully place him in the tub only for him to shriek at the coldness of the water.
He then attempted to get out.
I held him back as he continued to cry.

" come on Jah we need to bring this fever down" I try assuring him.

He stops fighting me and sits down glaring at me.

" hey I'm just trying to help" I chuckle at his cute pout.

" how about after this we can go watch a movie and eat ice cream" I suggest seeing his face light up.

" I thought you would like that" I chuckle before I started to wash him.
He continued to shiver and whimper.
I tried to comfort him as best as I could.

Once I was done I got a fresh towel and opened it for Jah to step right in.

Once he was dry I helped him get dressed into some clothes.

" go pick out a movie while I get the ice cream ready" I inform Jah.
He heads over to the couch and rolls himself up in a blanket as he picks a movie.

I head over with ice cream and the thermometer to see if his fever went down at all.

As soon as I reach the couch Jah is immediately reaching for the ice cream.

" not so fast I have to check your temp first" I say before instructing him to open up.

I check and see that he was now at 100 degrees.
Well at least it's going down.

I see Jah waiting impatiently for the ice cream.
I chuckle at his childish behavior before handing him the ice cream.

Half way through the movie Bird Box Jah began to get sleepy.
Which caused him to lay his head in my lap.
I softly stroked his dreads as his drifted off to sleep.

" goodnight Jah" I whisper softly.

Have any of you seen bird box yet?

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