Love or like

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Jahseh's pov:

I just want to know what Stoke meant by " I think I like him more than just one way."
Like does he mean as a brother or like in a romantic way. I don't know if I'm ready for anything like that. I've never even thought about having a relationship before at least not a romantic one.

" Jah you ready to go?" Stoke asks while taking back his phone. I nod still mixed in my feelings.

" alright well I have a little surprise for you." Stoke announces. I light up immediately at the mention of a surprise. I guess Stoke didn't forget.

" see I told you I would make it up to you." Stoke assures me before grabbing my hand and guiding us back to the car.

" Jah I'm so sorry I took so long." Stoke apologies while resting his hand on my knee. The action caused a butterfly like feeling to run through me. I never felt this way around Stoke before. Maybe it's because I never knew he felt this way about me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to ask Stoke what he meant.

" uhh Stokeley." I shyly start.

" yes Jah." Stoke asks while switching his attention to be on me.

" what does it mean when someone says they like someone more than just one way?" I ask.

" uhh well it usually means they like them in a romantic way. Why you ask?" Stoke questions. I froze at not knowing how to respond.

" well I may of looked at some of your messages ." I inform in a questioning tone. I really hope Stoke doesn't get mad at me.

" you did what?" Stoke asks in a deep and raspy voice that sent chills down my spine.

" I'm sorry." I cry.

" I gave you my phone to play games not to go through my private information." Stoke yells out frustrated.

" I'm really sorry." I whimper.

" just stop. I knew I shouldn't of trusted you with my phone." Stoke continues to rant. I stop trying to get him to forgive me because I know I won't make any progress. How can he be mad at me though? He didn't even tell me I couldn't go through his messages but then again I guess it's just common sense.

The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet. Once we got home I went straight to my room. I didn't want to upset Stoke any further.

I feel like I'm always messing everything up.

Stokeley's pov:

I shouldn't of overreacted. If he would of saw any other text I wouldn't of even cared. It's just that he saw that one. I didn't want to know that just yet. I'm still trying to figure out if that's really what I feel. Now he thinks I do but I don't even know myself. It's too late to go back now though.

I need to apologize to him. I had no reason to get so angry about something I didn't even tell him he couldn't do. If anything this is all my fault.

" hey Jah." I greet him as I enter his room. He only stays hid beneath his covers.

" Jah please." I beg. Yet he still doesn't even acknowledge me.

" Jah I'm sorry." I try again. I still got no response from him though. I then realize there's only one thing I can think of left to do.

" Jah from the moment I first saw you I knew you were special. I've learned so much from you and I realized that I need you just as much as you need me. I'm not perfect Jah. I'll probably yell and overreact a lot more but that doesn't mean I think of you any less. You are the only person that has ever truly made me happy. I love you Jah." I inform him to let him see how I really feel. I lift up his chin to see his tear stain cheeks which only break me further.

" I love you too Pokeley." Jah says warming my heart. He jumps into my arms and I swear I've never felt anything better.

I then let him go but I didn't want to fully let him go just yet. Jah gives me a confused expression as I lean in closer to him. My lips then brush against his before I look up to get approval from him. Once Jah complies I passionately connect our lips. It was just one innocent kiss.

Are you guys happy there finally together?

Did Stoke overreact?

Was the end of this chapter what you expected?

Has anyone watched the umbrella academy on Netflix yet?

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