New life

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Stokeley pov:

We just arrived home and I wanted to show Jah what I got him.
I just didn't know how he would react.

Now was the best time because we're about to go to bed.
Alright I'll do it.
I just hope I get a good reaction.

I walk up stairs to find Jah brushing his teeth.

" hey Jah I got a little something for you" I inform him excitedly.
He turns to look at me with questioning eyes.

I then hold out the onesie that I had hid behind my back.

I study Jah's reaction seeing that his face did light up.

"What do you think?" I ask hoping for a verbal answer.

" I.." Jah mumbles shyly.
As soon as I hear those words my heart is filled with joy.

" I'm glad you like it, Do you want to put it on?" I ask him.
Thankfully he complied.

I wait for him to finish changing in the bathroom.

" aww Jah it you look so cute" I say once he comes out.
He immediately started to blush at my comment.
I think this is going to be easier than I thought.

" you want something to eat?" I ask before we both go to bed.
He nods his head indicating yes.

" what do you want" I ask him.

" ice cream" He shyly mumbles.

" of course that's what you want" I say chuckling.

Once we get down there we're both stuffing our faces with ice cream.
I laugh at seeing it all over Jah's face.

" Jah you got it everywhere" I tease him while grabbing a napkin.
I begin to wipe the ice cream off his face.

He starts to get sleepy so I tell him " Jah I think you had enough"

He nods his head agreeing and I chuckle at his sleepy ness.
He almost looked sick of having too much ice cream.

" alright sleepy head let's go to bed" I announce knowing we're both exhausted.

He only looks at me while not moving an inch.

" Jah come on I know your tired" I tried convincing him.

He stared back at me with wide pleading eyes.
I knew right away what he meant.

" uhh fine" I answer to his request of carrying him.
I gently pick him up and he immediately lays his head on my shoulder.

Once we reach his room I lay him down as gently as I can.
I was about to leave until I felt a small tug on the hem of my shirt.
I turn around to see Jah's pleading eyes.

" stay" I hear him mumble which I can't deny broke my heart.

" of course" I reply before telling him to scoot over. I then wrap my arms protectively around his small form.

" good night Jah" I whisper before drifting of to sleep.

Next morning

I decided today I was going to ask him.
We were currently eating breakfast and I thought now was a good time.
Wish me luck.

" so umm Jah you like the onesie I got you right" I causally bring up.
He nods his head agreeing.

" ok and are you ok drinking out of that sippy cup" I ask him hoping that didn't come out weird. He responds by shrugging his shoulders.

" ok and are you having any trouble with sleeping?" I ask him curiously. A small blush takes over his face.

" you can't sleep" I restate full of concern.
He nods his head indicating that he was having trouble.

" well I have a way that might help you" I suggest. His eyes light up full of curiosity.
I think now is a good time to pop the final question.

" Jah do you know what age regression is?" I ask him. At first he is hesitant then he nods his head seeming to recall the meaning.

" do you want me to be your daddy?"

Cliff hanger 😆

What do you think Jah's going to say?

Sorry this chapter was short the next one should be longer.

I love y'all comments so please keep commenting.

If you have any questions ask away.

40+votes for update

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