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Stokeley pov:

After Jahseh's encounter with kimetrius, I had no intentions of having kimetrius back anytime soon.
Jahseh won't even tell me anything.
I tried asking him even after kimetrius left but he still won't talk.
He only stares at me with deep, lost, and worried eyes every time I bring the matter up.

" jahseh please talk to me" I tried referring to kimetrius again.
" it's the only way I can help you" I stated truthfully.
Yet Jahseh still refused to speak, he only lowered his head and held his knees to his chest tucking his head in.
I gently rubbed his knee hoping to comfort him.

" it's ok Jah I'm sorry" I tried to apologize.
I know he's not ready to talk about this matter yet and I kept pushing him.

" how about we grab some ice cream" I suggested hoping this would distract both him and I from the earlier matter.

He slowly lifted his head from his knees showing me his slightly tear stained cheeks.
He then nodded approvingly.

" Great, I know we haven't been out much so this should be nice" I assured him patting his knee before standing up.

" alright let's go" I say holding my hand out for Jahseh to grasp. Which he gladly took. I could see a slight smile appear on his face when I helped him up from the couch.

I opened the passenger door for jahseh to jump in while letting go of his hand.
Once he was in I headed over to the drivers side.


" what flavor do you want Jah" I ask forgetting he probably won't answer.

" oh wait my bad" I said referring to knowing he won't answer.

" do you like chocolate" I asked waiting for his response. He shook his head no.

" oh ok how about vanilla" I try once again.
He shakes his head no.

" ah really, you gonna make this hard for me then" I say jokingly.
" what about cookie dough" I continued guessing.
He shook his head no beginning to chuckle lightly at how long it was taking me to guess.

" oh come on, how bout mint chocolate chip" i try only to receive a disgusted look from Jahseh.

" cake batter" I say nervously hoping maybe I was right this time.
Surely enough I was correct.

Finally getting to the front of the line i ask for two cones with cake batter. I haven't had cake batter in a while so I thought it might be nice to try something else then my usual chocolate.

" let's not get in the car just yet" I tell jahseh only earning a confused look from him.

" don't you want to walk around a bit" I say hoping to clear his confusion.
He nods his head agreeing with my suggestion.

" is your ice cream any good" I ask hoping to start a conversation with him.
He turns my way nodding his head vigorously.
I see he has cake batter smeared around his mouth and I only chuckle at the sight.
He looks quite adorable so I quickly take my phone out to take a quick pic.
Jahseh only looks at me with a confused expression.

" you got a little something there" I say wiping his covered lips.
He looks at me with an embarrassed expression plastered on his face.

We continue walking until we pass a toy store.
I see Jahs eyes widen as he abruptly stops in front of it.

" you want to go in" I him question curiously.
He nods his head shyly.
" don't be shy of course we can go in" I assure him thinking it's absolutely adorable he wants to go inside a toy store.

Jahseh looks around with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. I chuckle at the sight.
I wonder if he ever been inside one before.

" Jah have you ever been in a toy store before" I ask hoping he has.
He shakes his head no and my heart nearly shatters.
How has this kid never been in a toy store?
I see he has his eyes on a small stitch stuffie.
The toy seemed to bring him comfort.
His joyful expression soon sank into a look of despair.
I was first confused then I realized he probably thought he wouldn't be able to get it.

I quickly reassured him that I would get it for him saying " don't worry I'll get it for you"
His eyes lit up immediately and it only made me laugh.

" alright let's go goofy" I say joking while ruffling his dreads playfully.

After we left check out I decided it was probably a good time to start heading home since it was getting pretty dark out.

Finally I saw more than just a broken boy, I saw fixed one.
Jahseh couldn't seem to stop smiling which only led me to smile.
I will protect this smile of his at all costs.

Jahseh soon with out warning gripped my arm beginning to shake of fear.
I looked at him with pure confusion before I focused my eyes on what he was looking at.
It was a man with green and black dreads and he was looking right our way smirking. Luckily he was on the other side of the road.
The mans sly smirk soon turned into a blank expression as he began to walk away with no emotion.

Who was that?
What did they want?
And how did they know Jahseh?

" Jah let's go home" I suggest to him feeling his strong discomfort.
Jah holds my arm the whole way back to the car. Before I would of thought it was cute but under our circumstances it only worries me.

" don't worry Jah I won't let anyone hurt you" I assure him as he falls asleep against the car window.

When we arrive home Jahseh is still fast asleep.
I didn't have the heart to wake him up so I gently picked him up bridle style carrying him to his room.
I gently tucked him with his stitch stuffie still tucked in his arms as I whispered " good night Jah"

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Sorry I didn't give y'all a break on kimetrius gang intervening
What y'all think?
And if you haven't already please go read my other slumptacion book prison
And my rapper chat book
And thanks to y'all this book finally reached 1k

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