Jahseh is a what?!!

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Stokeley pov:

I couldn't believe what I just saw.
Jahseh can't be a criminal.
There's no way that small innocent kid would have killed someone.
My thoughts began to take over me...
Am I really living with a criminal?
How could he have done this he barely even talks?
I decided to just go to bed and softly approach him about it in the morning.

Next morning

Stokeley pov:

"Jahseh wake up.... wake up" I whispered slightly shaking him. A small grunt was what was heard from him as he turned the other way.
" jahseh its time to wake up I know you hear me" I slightly chuckle but still receive no response.
" Oh ok so thats how you want to be" I argue to his stubbornness. I roughly rip of the sheets from his grip and smirk saying " what about now".
With his eyes still closed as he's curled up into a ball he throws his one arm reaching for the sheets.
" uh uh uh you have to get up" i sternly say trying not to laugh at his adorable attempt to get the sheets back. He opens one eye up and gives me an annoyed glare.

   This kid has sass and he hasn't even talked yet. Lucky enough he sits up but his next action surprised me. Jahseh stretched his arms out to me with grabby hands.
Did he want me to pick him up?

   " you want me to carry you? I asked just Incase my assumption was wrong. He nodded his head shyly.

" ok let's go sleepy head" I joked. I carefully picked him up supporting his back and upper thigh.

   I wanted to ask him about his past but I feared that would only trigger him. I will definitely have to keep an eye on him though. He hasn't done anything bad yet. He hasn't stolen anything and runaway with it.
I think I'll ask him something small and sees how he responds.

" what do you want for breakfast Jah" I ask placing him down at the table.
I see he isn't going to respond so I write down on a piece of paper some options like pancakes, French toast, waffles, cereal, or a pop tart.
He points to pancakes.

" ok sounds good I was hoping you'd pick that" I agree. Now all I have to do is carefully ask something about his past. He probably won't tell me but he might write it.

" so Jah where'd you come from" I asked casually getting out all the ingredients for the pancakes. He just stares at me.

" how bout you write it on the paper I wrote breakfast options on hmm" I suggest hoping this works.

I see he starts to write something.
" you done" I ask when I see he put the pencil down.
He nods his head with a nervous expression.
" can I see" I ask for his approval. He nods again.
I began to get nervous as I unfolded the top of the paper.
Seeing there are only 3 words.
" the BAD place" I read.
What's the bad place?
Does he mean jail?
Or is it something worse?
Then I think back to the scar I saw the other night on his leg. It spelled out "BAD" too.
Do they have some sort of connection?
My thoughts run wild at all the possibility's but I quickly bounce back into reality when I feel a continuous tap on my shoulder quickly remembering Jah is right next to me.

" oh I'm sorry Jah I'll get back to making pancakes" I reassure him. Lightly ruffling his dreads.
I want to ask him so bad what it means but I know I won't get anything else out of him. I just don't know what to do anymore. There's got to be a good reason why he would of killed someone. It even said he only served a couple months in jail and that was 2 year ago so the bad place couldn't of been jail.
Who would have bailed him out?
I think I'm going to do a little more research after breakfast.

I finally got all the ingredients mixed together so I started the cooking part. I made them in the shape of Mickey Mouse hoping to cheer Jahseh up a little.

" alright you ready Jah" I asked coming over to Jah with the first batch. He eyed them hungrily as I put 3 on his plate and put 5 on mine. Hey don't judge I like to eat.

" and Jah if you want anymore I got more batter just tell me" I assured him. We sat in silence while we ate but it wasn't awkward it was quite calming if that makes any sense.

When we were both done I cleared the table and put the dishes in the sink to do later.
" hey Jah you want to watch some tv" I asked hoping to give him something to do while I go do some researching. I don't want him knowing I suspect him of anything.

He nods his head and I lead him over to the couch showing him how to use the remote.

" alright it's all yours now don't go watching something to graphic" I joke heading up stairs.

I decided to look up about how he got out of jail so early and I clicked the first video that came up. I watch as he seems to be getting released but he doesn't seem to happy about it. He's crying and begging the guards I think so he could stay.
Why would someone ever want to stay in jail?
Then I see someone new walk in. Jahseh's head drops and he turns real submissive. That very moment I knew what Jahseh meant. There probably out there right now looking for him right now.
Somehow he must of escaped them.
What did I get myself into?

I have a question so should the next chapter be in Jahseh's pov or still stokeley's ??????
What do you think so far?
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