Camping Gone Bad (1)

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Stokeley pov:

" Jah I have something special planned for us today" I inform him full of excitement.
He stares up at me with wide eyes waiting for me to announce what we're doing.

" we're going camping" I enthusiastically inform him.
Jah's eyes grow with excitement.

" I knew you would like it" I comment.

" Omar, Gazzy, and Jared will be tagging along too" I add.
Jah nods his head in approval.
This is going to be great.
I haven't really got to spend any time with my friends lately and I think it will also be good for Jah to get out a little.


We were on our way to the campsite.
It was about an hour away.
Jah was fast asleep in the backseat of the car.
I looked back and smiled at the adorable sight.

We've been driving for about 45 minutes so we were about there.
I noticed Jah started to wake up from his sleep.

" Jah were going to be there in like 15 minutes you want anything to eat" I ask him.
He shakes his head no.

" you sure" I try again just to make sure.
He still disapproves.


" alright we're here" I inform Jah.
He looks out the windows taking in the new surroundings.
I noticed the camp was quite packed.
There was already many lots reserved.
I didn't know this place was so popular.

" alright Jah help me look for lot 23" I ask of him.

" wait there's Omar and Gazzy" I point out seeing that we found lot 23.

" you ready Jah" I ask making sure he's good.
He nods his head excitedly.
I help him get out of the car then we both joined the others.

" hey guys" I yell over to them gaining attention.

" it's about time you get here" Omar yells back.

" hey the real question is how did you get here so quick" I argue back.

"I don't know nigga" Omar retorts while laughing.

" but we were thinking of going swimming at the lake before your slow ass showed up" Omar adds.

" alright... let's go swimming then" I agree.

" Jah you want to swim" I wait for his approval.
He nods his head vigorously.

" alright then" I chuckle.
I head to the car to grab our swim trunks.

" where's the bathroom around here" I ask.

" there's an inside bathroom up the hill that's not that far" Jared suggests.

" alright Jah let's go" I say gesturing for him to follow me.

The bathroom had only 3 stalls and was quite filthy but it's what can you expect from a camp bathroom.

" alright if you finish before me just wait outside." I ask of him.

" ok" I here him softly say.
I can tell were making progress on his communication.

" alright, you ready" I ask one last time after we both finished changing.
He nods his head following me out.
The way he was walking made me think he might fall.
He just seemed so full of joy.

" Jah calm down" I chuckle.

He immediately stops and gets all flustered.

" no need to be embarrassed it's just funny" I assure him.

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