Trick or Treat

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Sorry I'm a day late but enjoy!!

Stokeley's pov:

Tonight's Halloween and these past few years I haven't gotten to do anything. I've been to busy in the studio to even think about going out. Last year when Jah first arrived I didn't really get to do much at all.

I was planning on going to Omar's Halloween party but I don't think that's a good idea for Jah.

I guess I'll ask and see what he wants to do. At that I start heading upstairs to wear Jah currently is.

I quickly open his bedroom door and ask him " hey Jah what do you want to do tonight?"

His face then scrunches up in a adorable way as he contemplates on what to say.

" candy!" He announces in a childlike voice.

" of course you want candy," I chuckle at him.

" please, please, please can we go trick or treating!" He pleads with me.

I know he's to old but how can I say no to him.

" well your going to need a costume," I inform him.

" ooooo I want to be a vampire daddy," he announces full of excitement as he tugs on my shirt.

" ok baby then let's go get ready," I tell him.


It's just about 7:00 now and Jah looks absolutely adorable in his little vampire costume. I put some white power on his face and gave him a fake pair of vampire teeth along with the costume we bought.

" alright Jah you ready?" I ask him.

" blah blah blah," he giggles.

" I take that as a yes," I guess before we both start heading out the door. I then feel a buzz from my phone and when I take it out I see that it's Omar.

" hey where are you?" Omar asks.

" I didn't think your party would be appropriate for Jah," I remind him.

" No you and Jah both gotta come. We splitting up and seeing who can hit every house first," Omar informs me.

" y'all too old for that shit," I reprehend him.

" hey you never too old to have a little fun," he defends.

" ugh fine we'll be there soon," I give into him.

I then inform Jah the quick change of plans and we head over to Omar's.


Everyone was waiting outside his front yard once we got there.

" hey you finally showed up," Omar chuckles.

I chuckle back before he starts to explain the rules and create teams. Jah and I were together on a team with Jared and some others while Omar and Gazzy were against us.

" let the best team win!" Omar announces before we all scurry off to our first house.

I could tell Jah was real excited. His eyes lit up as he spotted the next house to go to. All the homes with unoccupied bowls outside he would pour almost half the bowl into his bag. I couldn't help but chuckle at his childlike actions.

Jah was dragging me along to every house with such anticipation. I'm glad to see him finally happy. This past year it's been really hard for him. He just now is starting to get better and feel safe again. I'm glad he finally feels he found home. Having him here has not only helped him but it's changed me for the better too.

" one more house daddy come on," he informs me excitedly as he drags me along.

As soon as we finish hitting every house we rush back to Omar's to see that we're the first ones back.

" we won, we won!" Jah chants with relief.

" we did! High five!" Jared adds.

Soon enough Omar's group got back and they had to give us all of the candy they got cause they lost. Overall it was a good night. I just don't know how I'm going to hide all that candy from Jah because I'm not about to deal with a sugar high Jah.


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