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Stokeley's pov:

Well it's Monday and I have to go to the studio. This time I'm bringing Jah based off of what happened last time.

" Jah you almost ready?" I yell up to him from downstairs.

" no." Is all I hear.

" what do you mean no?" I ask him curious to hear his excuse.

" it means I'm not ready." Jah reply's sarcastically. Oh so he wants to have an attitude.

" oh that's how you playing?" I tease him.

" I just need a little longer." Jah informs me. As you can see Jah has got more comfortable with talking but he still only speaks when it's necessary.

I decide to go upstairs and see what's taking him so long. Once I get there I see Jah all dressed up. He was in a nice blue suit. He was styling his dreads too.

" Jah were just going to the studio not prom." I chuckle at him.

" but aren't you supposed to look nice for your job." Jah asks in a serious tone.

" Jah Just take that suit off." I chuckle at him.

" I wanna look nice." Jah whines.

" Jah people are going to laugh at you." I argue with him.

" no there just going to be jealous." Jah says confidently.

" ok if you want to where it I won't stop you." I say ending our argument. Jah smirks before following me down stairs.

The car ride was pretty quiet. This morning he was actually quite talkative. He's usually not like that. I'm glad that he's becoming more confident though.

" alright Jah we're here." I inform him while pulling into an empty parking slot. I watch Jah's eyes wonder around the parking lot and as they turn to the studio.

" alright well let's go in." I suggest.

Jah follows close behind me as I open the door. His enthusiastic expression turns into a shy one as we enter the building. He shyly hides behind me when Omar approaches us.

" hey you finally showed up." Omar says sarcastically.

" well I'm here so let's get started." I say trying to hurry up so we won't be here all day.

" alright then." Omar says noticing I didn't want to be here long especially since Jah was with me.

" hey Jah." Omar greets while giving Jah a slight smile. Jah smiles shyly at him but doesn't utter a word.

" say hi Jah." I encourage him.

" hi." Jah quietly mumbles before going back to hide behind me. Omar and I can't help but chuckle at his shyness.

" alright Jah you can sit here while we work on some things." I say pointing to an empty seat in the studio. Jah looks at me with pleading eyes.

" I promise we won't be that long." I assure him before joining Omar.

" alright let's get to work." Omar says getting everything organized. I showed him what I've been working on. It was was more of an r&b style.

" wow this is actually really good." Omar says once he's done reviewing it.

" when did you get all sappy." Omar teases me. This song is not exactly my normal style. I don't usually have a lot of emotion in my songs. I think this song will be my break out.

" I don't know." I chuckle.

" this sad as shit but I fuck with it." Omar chuckles.

" ok then let's get recording." I suggest.

" sounds good." Omar agrees.

Jahseh's pov:

I didn't think Stokeley would be this long. I've been waiting outside the studio for hours. I don't even have a phone. I have literally nothing to do.

Maybe I should go and see how much longer he's planning on staying cause I don't think I can take another second being on this chair.

I just hope he doesn't get mad at me for disturbing him.

I open the door as quietly as possible. Stokeley didn't seem to notice me yet. I walk over to him and lightly tap his shoulder. He immediately turns around and his once confused expression turns into a soft one.

" Jah what are you doing in here?" Stokeley asks in a calm voice.

" bored." Is all I let out.

" oh I'll try and hurry up." Stoke informs me.

" how long?" I ask slightly whining.

"Uh give me 20 minutes." Stoke informs me. I slightly pout at his answer.

" it will be shorter than you think." Stoke assures me. I still don't believe it will go by fast.

" can I have your phone?" I ask him.

" oh Jah did your phone die already?" Stoke asks.

" no I forgot to bring it." I inform him sending a look of guilt across his face.

" so you had nothing to entertain yourself this whole time?" Stoke asks in a guilty voice. I nod my head indicating yes.

" oh Jah I'm so sorry." He apologizes.

" I promise I'll make it up to you." Stoke promises before handing me his phone. I then head back out into the lobby. I know he's never going to make it up to me. Lately I feel like I've just been in the way. Stokeley of course would never just up and tell me that but I can just tell.

I know I'm very self conscious but you can't blame me with the life I've had to go through. Stokeley's really been there for me like no one else. I need him I just don't know if he needs me.

I'm quite the baggage. I have a criminal record. I never really had a family or even a place to call home. 

I decide while I have Stoke's phone I might as well get a little nosy. I look at his most recent messages and see that the last people he's texted were Omar and Jared.

He was talking about getting together at the studio with Omar but his conversation with Jared was about me.

What does he mean by I think I might like him more than just one way?

What do you think Stokes trying to say?😉😏

Should they slowly get together or should I speed it up?

How often should I update this book?

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