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Stokeley's pov:

It's hard seeing Jah like this. I feel like all we do is fight. He barely even talks to me. He's went back to being completely silent again. I feel like I just hit the reset button cause I have to start all over again.

" Jah would you please put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher not the sink." I ask with an irritated tone. He does what I ask with no complaint before heading up to his room. I probably made him feel insecure again. He probably feels like he's not good enough now that I rejected him.

I have to make this up to him but how? I feel like the only way I can truly bring him back to his cheerful self is by taking that further step. At this point I'd do anything to get him back.

" Jah." I say while knocking on his door.

" open." I feel Jah softly mumble.

I open the door to see Jah siting quietly on his phone.

Jahseh's pov:

I watch as Stoke enters me room. He has a weird expression across his face that sends me confusion. He looks almost lost or like he's about to cry.

I watch him come to the side of my bed before sitting on my bed. I don't really care what he has to say. I already know how he feels. He made that quite clear.

Suddenly I feel his lips clash on mine. I try to push him off but he just quiets me by putting his finger against my lips.

I wanted so badly to give in but what would that prove.

" no we both know your only doing this outa guilt." I say before shoving him off me and running to the bathroom.

" Jah that's not true." Stoke try's to assure me but I can see right through his words. He runs after me but I quickly reach the bathroom and lock the door.

" Jah please open the door." Stoke pleads. I don't know how I can face him again. Now we both have rejected each other. So where does that leave us?

" Jah open this door." Stoke slightly raises his voice.

" no." I try and say firmly but it seems to come out as more of a cry.

" oh Jah baby please open up." Stoke pleads as a reaction to my cry. He's never called me baby before. I couldn't help but feel warm inside by his words. The smallest things made me so warm.

" Jah please I would do anything for you it kills me to see you so upset I never expected you to be so hurt and I know I was selfish but there's one thing I could never lie about and that's that I love you Jah I love you." Stoke pleads out with passion. I couldn't help but cry further. I felt so trapped. All my emotions just poured out of me. I couldn't even control them anymore. I just let myself fall apart.

" I will never give up on you Jah I will stay here all day if that's what it takes." Stoke informs me in a serious tone. I reach up my hand and weakly unlock the door.

Stoke immediately opens the door fully and rushes over to me.

" oh Jah." Stoke says with empathy at seeing my state.

He picks up my small fragile body and pulls me onto my lap. I curl into him to try and hide my tears.

" it's ok baby just let it out." Stoke assures me while calmly stroking my hair. I felt safe again. I haven't felt this way in a while. I felt hated, worthless, and lonely. Now I can't seem to control the excitement insiders me. I felt at home back in Stokes arms. All of the bad thoughts just seemed to fade away when I was with Stoke.


Did Stoke do the right thing?

Should Jah of have in that easily?

What's ur fav book that I wrote?

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