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Stokeley pov:

" stoke uhh kimetrius is here" Omar yells up the staircase.

" uhh yeah I'll be right down" I assure him. Jahseh woke up by my yelling and he looked at me with those wide questioning eyes.

" Jah I have to go downstairs for a while ok" I inform him not telling him why. I figured it would just start back up what happened earlier.

Jah clung to my waist tightly at my attempt to get up.

" Jah I promise I'll be right back just stay in the room ok" I assure once again.
I told Jah to stay in his room because I don't want Jah to see kimetrius based off of what happened earlier.
I won't even mention Jah to kimetrius because i don't think I can even trust him.
I always knew there was something off about him.
I just don't know what.
What could he of done to Jah that was so bad?

" ah hey stoke how'd the album do" kimetrius asked casually. Everyone else was giving me a confused look referring to the earlier event.

I tried brushing off what happened earlier for the sake of the others but I couldn't get off my mind what kimetrius could of done to Jah.
The only way I'll get answers is through kimetrius because I know Jah won't tell me.

I quickly responded with " ahh it's doing great actually"

" hey stoke uhh can I talk to u for a minute" Jared asks pulling me aside.

" so what Jah say about kimetrius" Jared asks curiously.

" he didn't tell me anything" I reply truthfully.

" it must be bad then if he won't even talk" Jared continues.

" maybe kimetrius is the reason he doesn't talk anymore" Jared concludes.

Jared could very well be right now that I think about it.

" all I know is something is off because no one should be that afraid of someone" I answer.

Kimetrius pov:

" hey y'all know where the bathroom is" I ask.

" yeah it's upstairs first door on the left" Omar answers.

I was about to enter the bathroom when I heard someone softly crying.
Who else is here I think to myself.
Walking down the hallway I crack the door open to see who's crying but the room was pitch black.

"Hey you alright" I ask still not spotting anything. Everything goes silent and the crying stops.

" I'm not going to hurt you" I assured whoever was once crying.
Still no response.
I walk in the room not yet turning the light on.
I find the bed and finally see a small figure curled in the covers.

" hey what's wrong" I ask comfortingly placing my hand on their leg only for the figure to flinch and move away from my touch.

" why aren't you down stairs with the rest" I question curiously.
Yet no response was to be heard.

Third person pov:

Jahseh knew he had to stay quiet because he couldn't risk the chance of kimetrius recognizing his voice.
Jahseh felt trapped and he wanted nothing more then kimetrius to leave.
He debated on either hoping kimetrius would just leave or just leaving the room himself.
He knew if he left though kimetrius might follow and recognize him.
The only thing that was protecting him now was the darkness of the room.

Jahseh no longer had a choice as these dreadful words left kimetriuses lips " who are you"

Jahseh knew if he didn't answer kimetrius he would find out by turning on the lights or asking someone else.
He hoped kimetrius would possibly just leave.
However kimetrius had other intentions and turned on the lamp next to the bed post.

I large gasp was heard as kimetrius mumbled " jahseh"

Stokeley pov:

Jared and I were on our way back to the living room when I noticed kimetrius was missing.

" hey where's kimetrius" I asked panicking.

" he said he had to go to the bathroom" Omar informs me.

" you guys weren't supposed to let him out of your sight" I yelled as quietly as I could getting frustrated.

" you never said that" Omar argues quite conflicted.

" well I certainly didn't want kimetrius to have a chance of seeing Jah based off of earlier"
I state upset with Omar for being so clueless.

In the midst of our argument I start to hear faint cry's coming from upstairs.
I think no further thought and rush upstairs in panic.

Kimetrius pov:

The little bitch has been hiding here this whole time I think to myself.
I chuckle lightly saying " well...well look who I found"
Jahseh only stares at me with fear through his eyes.
" you miss me" I question as a sly smirk creeps it way onto my face.
" answer me when I talk to you" I say through gritted teeth forming a grip around Jahseh's throat.
He whimpers at my familiar touch.
" I don't like to be ignored" I say continuing to choke him.
He starts to show signs of struggle but that's not why I stop.
I hear the sound of footsteps making there way upstairs.
I'll just continue this conversation later.
He won't get away though because
last time I saw him he stabbed two of my men trying to escape.
He waited for that particular day because he knew I would be gone for the most part.
I was shocked he never told anyone about us.
He really should of cause now he's going to pay the consequences.
I will make him regret every moment of his miserable life.

My thoughts are stopped by the sounds of footsteps making there way upstairs.

I turn to jahseh and warn him sternly " don't say anything you'll regret"
He submissively nods his head.

Stokeley pov:

I enter Jahseh's room expecting something bad to be happening.
" hey you alright jahseh" I question him curious to why I heard cry's.
Jahseh nodds hesitantly.

" you sure" I ask not quite believing him.

" yeah everything's fine Jah and I were just catching up" kimetrius quickly covers with jahseh nodding in agreement.

" yeah ok" I say hesitantly still not buying what was said.
" well kimetrius we were all waiting for u" I inform him hoping to get him away from Jah.

" oh yeah sorry I completely forgot" kimetrius apologies and continues with " how bout Jah joins us" he adds looking at Jah for approval.

" yeah sure you want to Jah" I agree waiting for Jahseh's answer.
He shakes his head in disapproval.
" ok that's alright I'll be back up soon so don't fall asleep yet" I playfully warn him.

As kimetrius and I head out I see kimetrius glare at jahseh before joining me.
Kimetrius seems to have a strong hold over Jahseh and that only makes him more dangerous.

My longest chapter yet
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Just posted the first chapter to my new slumptacion book prison please go check it out

Just posted the first chapter to my new slumptacion book prison please go check it out

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