Birthday boy (1)

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Sorry I took so long to update

Stokeley's pov:

Today is Jah's 18th birthday. It's almost been a full two years of him living with me. We've been through quite a lot but I would never take a second back.

I still can't believe he's turning 18. He's finally now legally an adult.

Today was going to be a big day and Jah doesn't even know it yet. I have Jared, Omar, Gazzy, and some others that were at Omar's Halloween party coming over.

To be honest I feel like Jah doesn't even know it's his birthday. He hasn't mentioned a thing about it to me today. He could be waiting for me to tell him happy birthday but I have other plans. I want him to think I forgot his birthday so then the surprise party is actually a surprise. I just hope he didn't actually forget his own birthday.

I want this birthday to be special for him. So far rather than all the people that are coming I got Jah's favorite cake which of course is ice cream cake. I also have a big surprise for him later.

I really don't know if my surprise is a good idea though. Jah might hate me. I'm kinda taking a big risk with this one but it's something I feel like he needs. I think it will help him fully be able to move on.

Well anyway I should probably go see what Jah's up to.


" Jah what are you doing?" I question seeing that he seems to be having his own fashion show.

He slightly jumps at the acknowledgment of my presence before turning around to face me. He's wearing some sort of leather jacket and is messing around with fake earrings. Where did he even find those?

He looks at me for approval with a large grin across his face. He looks adorable but scary at the same time. I'm just glad he hasn't found any eyeliner.

" Jah your adorable no matter what you where but I think you should change," I inform which causes him to pout. I ruffle his dreads before heading to his closet to see what he has. I'm not having him look like this for his surprise party and especially not for the surprise I have for him later.

" how about this," I ask holding up a white hoodie and black skinny jeans. He stares at the outfit for a moment before pouting and giving in.


Everyone should be getting here any minute now. There suppose to all wait outside until everyone gets here then ring the door bell. Jah's then suppose to answer the door and yeah. I can't exactly kick Jah out for everyone to set up inside so this is the second best option.

Right now Jah and I are snuggled up on the couch watching Star Wars. A few minutes later we heard the door bell ring. I just acted like I didn't hear anything. Then the door bell ring again and Jah nudged me.

I turned to look at him and he pointed at the door.

" why don't you go get it?" I encourage him.

" no daddy you get it," he whines before stuffing his face into my shoulder. He doesn't like to do anything that requires him to be social.

" ok then we'll both go answer it," I decide.

" no just you daddy," I argues while pushing me off the couch.

" no I think we both should get it," I try once more which causes Jah to pout.

" come on," I sigh before picking up his pouty ass.

As I open the door Jah hides his face on my shoulder.

" surprise!!!" Everyone yells causing Jah to look up.

" happy birthday Jah," I congratulate him before pecking his forehead. A giant grin is clearly evident across his face but his shyness takes over and he hides it again.

" you didn't think I forgot your birthday did ya?" I question him. He then lifts his head and grabs the hem of my shirt before matching my eyes and whispering " thank you daddy,"

" my pleasure baby boy just wait till you see your cake," I inform him with a heightened voice.

" but I don't like cake," he pouts.

" oh trust me you'll like this one," I chuckle knowing how much he loves ice cream.

There will be a part 2

Are you guys happy Jahs finally a legal adult?

What do you think Stokeley's big surprise for later is?

Who else should I bring into this story?

Do you like it so far? Was it cute?

Should I add more fluff?

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