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Jahseh's pov:

The whole way home was silent. Stokeley didn't even look at me once. This is how I can really tell he's mad. I guess I really haven't tried to make school work. He's done so much for me and yet all I do is cause him more trouble. Even though this time wasn't technically my fault I still feel guilty.

Soon enough we reached home and I felt like I was about to just burst out crying. I can't take this anymore. I just wish he would get over with what ever he had planned to do. I hate knowing he's disappointed in me. I just want to be able to cuddle up in his arms and forget about everything that just happened.

Sadly enough for me that will never be the case.

" go to your room," Stoke coldly demands of me. I immediately do as told not wanting to piss him off anymore than I already have.

Stokeley's pov:

I never thought Jah out of all people would cause any trouble. I feel like he's not even giving school a chance. I asked him to do one thing for me but he can't even do that. I really don't want to be the mean guy but i have to if I want him to learn that he can't always have his way.

I haven't yet decided on what I'm going to do with him but I'll figure it out once I get up there. I should probably just get this over with. At that I start heading upstairs to his room.

I open his door only to see Jah curled up on his bed crying. Once he notices me he immediately pleads in a childish voice " I'm sorry daddy 'm sorry."

I can tell he's definitely in his headspace. I can't be to harsh with him now and definitely can't punish him in any dirty way. Not like I was planning to anyway.

" I know your sorry baby but you need to learn you can't always have everything your way," I tell him. His eyes now turn even more watery. I need to stay stern though.

Jahseh's pov:

No matter how hard I try and keep myself together I can't. I just feel myself drowning in multiple emotions and I can't do anything but let it all out. I don't want Stoke seeing me this way. I feel so weak and vulnerable.

" Jah you know I have to punish you right?" He informs me making me cry even more. It was silent at least but I couldn't help them from slipping from my eyes. I nod my head at Stokes question. I know I deserve what ever he has planned.

Stoke goes to sit down beside me. He sighs before motioning me to stand in front of him.
Our eyes locked as he stared at me with disappointment. I could barely take this anymore.

Nobody's pov:

Stoke patted his lap which made Jah scrunch up in confusion. Stoke just ignored Jah's questioning look as he placed a hand on his lower back and guided him over his lap.

Jah soon realized what Stoke was doing and began to slightly protest.

" please daddy," Jah pleaded.

" I'm only giving you ten," Stoke assures him which only made Jah more upset. He's only got punished this way before when he was real young.

Stoke lightly gripped the top of Jah's pants before pulling them down earning a " no daddy please," as Jah tried to pull them back up.

Stoke quickly removed his hands and pinned them behind his back. Jah continued to attempt to get off of Stokes lap but that only led to him tightening his grip on Jah.

Stoke lifts his hand up before bringing it down on the young boys ass. Jah whimpers at the impact but Stoke only continues. Jah begs him to stop but Stokeley knew he had to do this. If he was going to be be Jah's daddy then he had to do it right. There's no good without the bad. He knew he couldn't just let Jah walk all over him.

After the first 5 Stoke decides to lower Jah's boxers. Jah whimpers once again at feeling nothing left to protect him. He knew he deserved it but that doesn't mean he was going to just give in that easily.

Stoke continued on with the last 5 but then decided to have Jah count out the last 3.

" can you count them out for me baby?" Stoke asks. He didn't want Jah to fear him so he tried to go easy on him. Luckily Jah didn't fight Stokes request.

Stoke decided the last three would be the hardest. He brought his hand down roughly onto Jah's backside causing him to slightly slide forward.

" one," Jah announces.

The second and third came soon after leaving Jah in a teary mess. Stoke didn't even go that hard but he doesn't think that's the only reason Jah's crying. He's probably upset that he disappointed his daddy.

" I love you you know that right baby?" Stoke questions before bringing Jah up to sit in his lap. Jah nods as Stoke wipes his tears. Stoke then lightly pecks Jah's nose causing Jah to slip out a smile. He loved his baby and would do anything for him.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Did u expect this ending at all?

Do u want to see more of little Jah?

Do you think stoke did the right thing?

What should Stoke of done instead?

What do you want to see in future chapters?

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