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Stokeley's pov:

After last night I didn't really know how to respond. All I know is that my plan is working. Jah was actually able to slip. Luckily none of my friends seemed bothered by Jah's odd behavior. I was surprised that they all already knew what a little was.

After we got home last night he was very clingy. I could barely get him to go to bed. I hope he will slip again today. It not only helps him with his past but with communication too.

I decided to make pancakes but I was going to shape them into Mickey Mouse. Soon enough I heard Jah coming down the steps. I saw that he was holding stitch in one hand while rubbing his eye with the other.

" good morning Jah." I cheerfully greet him.

The next words that came out of his mouth just about killed me. I didn't expect this till at least a couple more months.

As soon as he saw me his eyes lit up and he yelled out " daddy." I soon was engulfed in a tight hug.

" well good morning to you too." I respond while hugging him back. I still can't get over what he just called me. I'm partly panicking not only because of what he just said but how to act with him so deep in his headspace.

" hey Jah how old are you?" I ask him so I have an idea of how much he slipped. He holds up 5 fingers.

" alright well are you hungry?" I ask him causing him to immediately shake his head.

" alright then I made pancakes." I say in a cheerful tone. I then brought over a plate with two pancakes on it for Jah. As soon as I placed it in front of him, he immediately frowned.

" what's wrong Jah?" I ask confused with his current expression.

" can't eat." Jah mumbles.

" why not?" I ask concerned.

" too big." He complains. I thought it was going to be something with Mickey Mouse but luckily that wasn't the case.

" do you want me to cut it up for you?" I ask him. Jah nods his head so I begin to cut the pancakes into smaller chunks.

" alright there you go." I say in a babyish tone while handing him the utensils. I then get my self some and start eating. I watch Jah try and eat the small pieces but he seems to not be making any progress. Every time he try's to pick up a piece it seems to just fall. I don't know how that is even possible but somehow with Jah it is. He keeps trying but I know he's getting very frustrated.

" you need any help?" I ask him trying to contain my laughter.

Jah try's once more before pouting and handing me his fork.

" that's what I thought." I respond chuckling. I picked up a small piece before leading to Jah's mouth. He took it while slightly blushing.

Once we finished breakfast I told Jah I would put some cartoons on for him. I quickly went to grab some ice cream before joining him on the couch. It's not my fault ice creams so good.

As soon as I sat down Jah tried stealing the container from me. It's like he was another person when ice cream got involved.

" Jah wait, at least let me open it first." I warn him. Remind me to not bring out ice cream when he's around.

Is it cute?

What do you want to see in the next chapter?

I need ideas please?

Should their relationship start getting more romantic or just fluff?

50+votes for update

Sorry it's short.

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