Theme park

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Stokeley's pov:

Today, I'm taking Jah to 6 flags. I haven't been in so long and it would be good for us to both just take a break from school and work. I bet Jah has never even been to one before.

I still haven't told him where we were going. Currently we were in the car on our way and I told Jah we were just going shopping. Luckily he still believes that lie even though we already passed the shopping center.

" hey Jah we're going to be there soon so I'm going to go over a few rules. #1 stay with Daddy at all times. #2 tell Daddy when you need or want something. #3 don't be afraid to tell Daddy if you get scared.

" why would I be scared?" Jah questions curiously.

Once Jah asked that question we were just arriving at the park.

" well Jah I'm taking you to an amusement park," I inform him with excitement.

" what's a amusement park?" Jah questions with both curiosity and eagerness.

" well it's a really run park with lots of rides and all the ice cream you can eat," I inform him in a childish tone.

Jah's eyes immediately light up at my words.

" all the ice cream I can eat?" Jah questions while starting to get even more excited. His eyes were a deep chocolaty brown as he waited for me to confirm his question.

" yes," I answer with a slight chuckle. He was so adorable. I have a feeling he is going to slip soon. Especially with all the people and noise.

" alright Jah you ready?" I ask him. He nods his head immediately.

We both then get out of the car. I form a hold around Jah's small delicate hand. I know today that we probably won't be going on any big rides. I wish we could but I doubt Jah is going to want to.

We soon are in line to get into the park.

Jah then asks me " why are there so many people?"

" well it's a place a lot of people like to go for fun," I simply inform him. He then goes back to being silent as he looks around curiously at the people surrounding us.

Soon enough we were finally in the park.

" where do you want to go first Jah?" I question him. I then felt a tug on my hand as he dragged me off to somewhere.

" Jah where are we going?" I ask with a chuckle. Yet he didn't respond. He only continued to drag me with his hopeful and curious self.

We then reached a small fair like ride called the scrambler. Luckily the line was fairly short.

In seconds we were on the ride. I sat towards the center while Jah sat on the outside.

When the ride started I felt my body being forced to slide over to Jah's side.

" oww daddy your squishing me," Jah whines. I only laugh and continue to smush him further. He tries to push me off of him but fails. A pout forms around his features as he realized I'm not moving. I chuckle at his childishness.

Luckily for Jah's sake the ride was soon over.

" your mean," Jah pouts once we got off the ride.

I then fake pout back at him by saying " am not."

"Are too," he argues back.

" well I guess if I'm so mean then I won't get you ice cream," I tell him. Which causes his mouth to immediately open in disbelief.

" Jah get ice cream. Daddy don't," Jah informs.

" can you forgive Daddy for being mean," I plead of him.

After a while of thinking ahh finally answers with " fine Daddy is forgiven and can have ice cream too."

I fake a giant smile and grab ahold of his hand as we head off to the next ride.

Jah kept pulling me every which way. I don't know how he has this much energy and I haven't even gotten him ice cream yet.

Soon after we've rode a couple of rides I decide to ask Jah if he wants to try a roller coaster. Well first I have to explain to him what a roller coaster even is. Soon enough I was able to convince him to try it with me.

The line was taking awhile since it was one of the more popular rides. As we got closer to the front Jah started to get a bit more anxious.

" It look scary," Jah worriedly mumbles. I could tell he was starting to slip. It must be this ride that is causing him to. I bet he will be in full headspace once we get on the ride.

After what seemed like forever we are finally getting seated in the coaster. Jah tightly grips my arm while repeatedly mumbling " I don't want to do this anymore."

I try and comfort him and say that it's going to be ok and that I'll be here with him the whole time. It sorta calms him down for a little bit until he hears one of the workers start to countdown.

" Daddy I'm scared," he informs me with clear panic across his face. Before I could answer him the coaster took off. Jah was clinging onto to me as much as he could while burying his head into my arm.

I know he is scared but it isn't exactly safe for him to have his head positioned how it is.

" Jah baby you have to sit up," I inform him.

" I'm scared daddy," he cries.

" it's ok baby, I'm going to get you ice cream right after this ok?" I inform him to try and make him feel better. Currently his eyes were soaked with tears. I knew this was probably a mistake to bring him on this ride but hopefully the thought of ice cream will distract him.

Finally the ride was over and Jahseh was still clung on to me for dear life. His body was shaking and he still seemed terrified even though it was over.

I pick him up in hopes to comfort him.

" hey you ready for some ice cream?" I ask him in hopes to lighten his spirit. His expression slightly improved.

" let me guess you want chocolate?" I try guessing. Jah shakes his head no.

" hmm cake batter?" I guess again.

" nooo," Jah giggles. At least he's smiling again.

" Oreo?" I try one last time. Jah then excitedly shakes his head yes.

After we got ice cream we both decided that it was a good time to start heading home. It's been one heck of a long day but I wouldn't trade having this time with Jah for anything.


Do you want more little Jah or big?

Any prompt requests?

Anyone like roller coasters?

What do you want to see more or improve in Jah and Stokeley's relationship?

Questions for characters





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