First fight (2)

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Stokeley pov:

I try calling Jah to see if he'll pick up but no matter how many times I try it just goes to voicemail.

I do anything just to have him back with me.
I feel so bad.
I just can't believe how I overreacted.
I was supposed to be the person to help him not to hurt him.
I wanted him to feel safe and wanted.
He's probably terrified.

I know where he probably is though.
I get in my car and start heading to Mc Donald's.

Once I arrive my heart beat immediately rises.
I just hope he's in here.
I walk in while looking around in hopes I might spot Jah.

I start to panic at not seeing him until I look in the back and see a small familiar boy with his head down on a table.

I rush back yelling " Jah"

His head immediately pops up at the sound of my voice.
He looks quite shocked to see me.

" Jah why'd you run away" I ask him while engulfing him in my protective arms.

" I thought you told me to leave" he quietly mumbles.

" I didn't mean I wanted you to actually go" l inform him.

" Jah say a lot of stupid shit I don't mean but I can promise you this no matter how angry I get I would never want you to leave" I assure him.

His eyes start to fill of tears but I could tell they weren't tears of sadness but joyful tears.

" Jah I need you just as much as you need me" I inform him.
He finally hugs me back causing a large grin to appear across my face.

" let's go home" I suggest.
He nods his head and gestures for me to pick him up.
I gladly do so and we head out to the car.

" how bout some ice cream?" I suggest since that's kinda our thing to do now.
He nods his head immediately as a grin spreads across his face.


Once we got our ice cream we decided to go to the beach which was only a block away from the ice cream place.

I started to think of ways I could get Jah to talk.
I need to find a way to where he feels comfortable with it.
Even though everything's over he still is having a hard time adjusting.
He needs to forget the past.
Maybe he just needs to start over.

We walk along the beach in silence but it was not awkward but yet calming.
I want to be there for him.
I just don't know how to help.

I watched as Jah ate his ice cream still somehow managing to get it all over his face.
He was truly adorable.
Maybe what he needs is to re live his childhood.
It would probably work because I guess he barely even had a child hood to began with.
For crying out loud he didn't even know what a toy store was.

" alright Jah you ready to go home?" I ask him.
He nods taking the last bite of the cone.

Once we reach the house it's already 9:00.
I help Jah upstairs and help him get to bed.

" good night Jah" I say.

" good night Pokley" He shyly mumbles.
I chuckle at his new nick name for me.
I decide to go do some research on the whole re live childhood thing.
I just hope it will work.

When I search it up I see that it's age regression and involves a little and a caregiver.
I look further into it and see that it helps relieve stress and so on.
I knew this had to work.
Now all I had to do was get Jah in a headspace which he almost already seems to do.

What do you think of Jah maybe becoming a little?

Do you think it's going to work?

Please comment!!

30+votes for update

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