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Stokeley pov:

I feel a sudden added weight to my bed but I was too lazy to open my eyes.
I felt it get closer until the spot beside me sank.

I peeked one eye open to see that Jahseh was the one disturbing me from my beauty sleep.

" aww Jah its only like 7:00" I whined closing my eyes again.

Jahseh didn't seem to like that because the next thing I knew my covers were being snatched from my body.

" Jah really, Go back to bed" I say irradiated While reaching for my covers.

I feel Jahseh's weight lift from the bed and I sigh in relief.
Don't get me wrong I love Jahseh but bitch I'm tired.

My relaxing didn't last long though, I feel a cold rush pour onto my face causing me to launch straight up to see the source it came from.

I glare annoyed at Jah while he just turns into a fit of giggles.
I almost couldn't hold in my laugh but I had to stay stern.

I try to be serious by saying " ha very funny but just know your cleaning this up" I announce while smirking.

Jah's smirk turns into a pout as he crosses his arms while shaking his head no.

" you better watch out then cause now I'm gonna get you back " I warn him smirking.

The next thing that happens has me frozen in utter shock.
Jah quietly lets out a little " that's not fair".

" did you just talk" I ask with my mouth hanging open teasingly.
Jahseh's cheeks turn red in embarrassment as he lowers his gaze.
I feel a sense of joy rush over me knowing Jah is finally getting comfortable around me.

" it's ok Jah" I comfort him as I see slight tears slide down his rosy cheeks.

" it's ok.... it's ok" I hold him caressing his back lightly.
I wiped the remaining tears that had slid down his cheeks.

I also was dreading how to tell him that I'm going to be gone most of today especially now that he's all broken up.
I couldn't just cancel because I haven't been at the studio in two weeks.

" Jah I know this isn't the best time to tell you this but I have to go somewhere today" I start saying looking to see his response.
He looked up at me with worried eyes and gestured for me to explain further.
" I'll only be gone for a couple of hours.... okay?" I inform him waiting for his approval.
Though, he only holds on to me tighter.

" Jah I promise you'll be fine, anyway I have one of my friends coming over to be with you" I say hoping that will win his approval, but it didn't.

" Jah please" I plead.
" for me" I continue.
" I promise I'll make it up to you" I continue pleading.
Still no response.
" say what, I'll even take you out again to get another stuffie"
That seemed to work because Jah immediately lit up with joy while releasing me.


" bye Jah, I promise we will go out tomorrow" I promise him.
" and don't miss me to much" I say winking.
Jah only rolls his eyes.
" bye Jah" I say one last time before I hop in my car carefully pulling out.


Jahseh's pov:

It's been almost an hour and still no one has showed up.
I began to worry with my assumptions taking over me.
Maybe no one was even coming in the first place.
Part of me was disappointed that Stokeley might of lied to me and the other part terrified of being alone.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a loud knock on the door.
I rush to the door and with no hesitation, I open it curious to see who Stokeley invited.

My heart freezes as I lock eyes with the familiar face.
" Michael" I softly utter in disbelief.
He stands there smirking.
" hello Jahseh" he says with a deep all to familiar raspy voice.
I just continue to stare at him in shock.

" now why don't you let me in" he suggests walking towards me.
" I don't think that's a good idea" I say as
my senses flow back into me as I quickly try to close the door.
A hand quickly stopped it.
Michael pushed on the door smirking.
I could barely hold it anymore.
I decide to let go and head for the back door.

" you can't run Jah" Michael yells after me.

" we'll always find you" Michael warns sending chills down my spine.
I finally felt a loss of hope.
I rushed out the back door only to run into two other familiar faces.

" I warned you" Michael smirks catching up with us.
" no... nooo... please" I wailed loudly losing all feeling.
This isn't happening again.... it just can't.
" bye Jah" Michael says sending my in confusion.
That was until everything went pitch black.


I woke up in an all too familiar room but not the one I wanted to wake up in.
Yet the one I dreaded I'd never have to see again.
My thoughts carried me back to earlier.
Then I start to remember what Stokeley promised me.
He said we would go out tonight.
Now there's no way I could ever even see him again.
I'm right back where I started.
I wish at least I could see Stokeley one more time.
My sensitive side starts to take over as soft tears roll down my face.

I hear the sound of the bedroom door creaking open.
I quickly dry my tears.

" your probably wondering how we found you" Michael starts to say.

" you probably thought it was kimetrius but it's not" he continues drawing in my attention.

" it was Stokeley" he finally says having my full attention now.

" your lying" I state harshly.

" but am I, think about it, how do you think we knew your exact location?, somebody had to of told us, and Stokeley was the only one who knew where you were, why do you think he took you in?" Michael rambles on but still making a point.

" no he wouldn't" I mumble in disbelief.

" it was all an act Jah" Michael continues causing my heart to sink.

" he told me not to tell you but I figured you at least deserved the truth" Michael states.

I just can't bring myself to believe it because I know he's lying, he has to be.
Otherwise I have nothing left to fight for.
He was all I had left.

Sorry I feel like the ending sucked.
What are y'all thoughts on stokeley now?
Did ya like the little plot twist I snuck in there😂?
Am I going to fast?
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