Chapter 24

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Two Days Later
Tim's POV:
I sit in Maggie's room alone as I wait for Faith to get back from the house. She's bringing Wesley by. The kids have barely seen her because of everything. A couple of minutes pass before Davis walks in.
"Tim where is Faith?" He automatically asks.
"She's on her way from the house with Wesley, why?" I ask getting concerned.
"Charles, the guy is here. We have people at the house with the kids and your mom and I'm here and FBI is scattered outside covering the area. Faith has to stop somewhere and Tom will go to them." He states.
"Should I call her?"
"No I will." He says pulling out his phone. He's on the phone with Faith for five minutes before hanging up and turning towards me.
"They on a off beaten road and Tom is almost to them. Charles has around fifteen girls with him." Davis sighs. This group had over thirty girls spread out between them and each guy caught more girls got to go home.
"Are you guys going to kill him?" I ask.
"If he comes near the hospital, they'll shoot. I don't know if they plan to kill outside or not." Davis sighs. A couple minutes of silence pass before we hear gun shots and screaming outside.
"Davis, man down. Thirteen girls in van. Inform ER of trauma patients." The walkie-talkie blares.
"I'll be back." Davis saying running out the door.
Faiths POV:
"Okay, we can head to the hospital. Charles is down." Tom states getting off the phone. I sigh. All the guys are finally history.
"Ok." I sigh as Wesley and I get back into the car.
"Wes?" I say looking at him.
"Yeah Mom?"
"She's in a medically induced coma. She has a breathing tube. Dr. Carson is going to wake her up in two or three days. She's okay, she just to weak to be awake." I say as he holds back tears.
"Why did this happen to her?" He whispers.
"I don't know bud." I sigh. We make it to the hospital ten minutes later and there's FBI agents everywhere. I look over and see them zipping up a dead body. They actually killed him. I park before Wesley and I walk in. There's multiple girls all around Maggie's age getting treated and brought into the icu. Were they all with him? We make it back to Maggie's room a minute later.
"Hey Wes." Tim says looking up.
"Hey dad." Wesley says keeping his eyes on Maggie.
"Bud it's okay."
"I know. I just hate she has to deal with this." He sighs looking down.
"We do too baby." Faith says rubbing his back.
"Faith, Charles had thirteen other girls." Tim says quietly. Maggie easily could have been one of those.
"Oh my God." I get out.
"One of those girls could have easily been Maggie." Tim whispers trying to not cry.
"But dad, it wasn't. She's here and is going to be okay." Wesley speaks up.
"Tim, he's right. We have her safe." I say wrapping my arms around his shoulders. This is going to be a long next few days and weeks.
3 Days Later:
Faiths POV:
Tim and I sit in the room reading through emails when Dr. Carson walks in.
"I'm going to wake her up and switch back to the oxygen mask. The neck brace has to stay on, but I'm hoping to start pulmonary therapy tonight or tomorrow morning." He says walking over to her bed. He puts something in her IV and a few moments later I see Maggie flutter her eyes up.
"Maggie, I need you to cough so I can get the breathing tube out, okay?" Maggie nods her head before coughing. Dr. Carson gets the tube out before placing the mask on her.
"You're going to have the neck brace for awhile longer. If you're up to it, we can try to go for a walk tonight or we can do it tomorrow morning. You can start talking again tomorrow, but only for the twenty five minutes per two hours." He tells Maggie. Maggie nods her head again.
"Ok. I'll be back later." He says walking out.
"Hey baby." I say as Tim and I walk to her bed. She grabs my hand and looks down. She grabs the paper and pen and writes something before showing us "how long was I asleep?"
"Five days. Dr. Carson wanted your lungs to rest and get some strength back." Tim says brushing her hair back. Maggie sleeps most of the day before waking up around 6pm.
"Hey honey." I say looking over at her.
"I'm hungry." She writes before showing me. That's a change. Tim went back to the house and Gracie is coming to spend the night. We decide that would be the best way for the kids to see her.
"Ok. I'll call for the nurse." I say kissing her head before pushing the call button. Maggie gets food a few minutes later and eats before Gracie gets here.
"Hey Mags." Gracie says putting her bag down.
"Hey." Maggie writes showing her.
"When can you start talking again?" Gracie asks sitting down in the chair next to Maggie. This is going to be good for the both of them.
"Tomorrow morning I can start talking twenty five minutes per two hours again." Maggie writes. I sit back and watch the girls talk smiling that it's finally able to happen again.

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