Chapter 28

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Faiths POV:
Maggie's been asleep for over a hour now. I wish she wasn't sleeping as much as she is. Tim and I sit on the couch watching the news as my phone goes off. I pick it up.
Tim's POV:
Faith stands up and answers her phone.
"Ok. I'll be there shortly." Faith says before hanging up.
"Who was that?" I ask.
"Coach Thomas. Apparently Wesley and Hank got into a misunderstanding with each other at practice and it didn't end well. Coach wants me to come to the school." Faith says grabbing her keys.
"Ok. Can you bring them here. I would like to talk to them." I state.
"Ok." Faith says before walking out.
Faiths POV:
I get to MBA about fifteen minutes later and walk to the baseball field.
"Hey Faith." Jason, the boys baseball coach, says running up to me.
"I have Wesley in my office and Hank is on the field with Coach Easton." He says as we walk down the hill.
"What happened?" I ask after a minute.
"They got into a fight over Maggie's situation. Hank had said something and Wesley went off on him. It escalated from there. The team was running laps when it took place so no coach was present to stop it." He states. Great. Why did I know it was going to be about Maggie. We make it to his office and he lets me go in to talk to Wesley.
"I don't even want to know what was going through your mind. Keep you're mouth shut and let's go. We're getting your brother and then going to the hospital because your father wants to talk to you both." I state beyond irritated. Wesley sheepishly walks behind me to the field. I walk up to Hank and tell him the same thing as Wesley before I start walking to the car.
Tim's POV:
It's been about a hour since Faith left. Maggie's still asleep making the room silent.
"If you didn't fucking say that it wouldn't have happened!"
"You're being a fucking douchebag Wesley!"
"Well at least I care about our sister!" I hear yelled throughout the hall before Faith opens the door and the boys continue, waking up and scaring Maggie.
"Out in the hall now!" I say staring at them pointing to the door. They both walk out silently. Faith texted me what happened before she left the school and I'm beyond pissed at the boys. I turn towards Maggie and she's violently shaking. I sigh before walking over to her.
"It's okay baby. You can go back to sleep." I whisper brushing her hair out of her face. Maggie looks at Faith causing Faith to climb into bed with her.
"I'll be back in a minute." I say before walking out to the hall.
"Let's go." I sternly say to the boys walking ahead of them outside. Once we make it outside I turn around to face them.
"Are you both freaking idiots?! What the hell were you thinking! I don't care how you feel about the situation, but you both have to be there for each other when it involves what YOUR SISTER is going through!" I yell furious.
"Wesley Xavier, I expect better from you. She's your twin sister and Hank is your younger brother. You are the example and you were a piss poor one today. I don't care what people say and how you feel, you know better than you retaliate in anger." I yell looking at him in the eyes.
"Hank Anthony, you know to choose your words wisely. I don't care if you are fed up with a situation, you never speak before thinking about the consequences beforehand. That is your sister in there and neither of you know what she's having to deal with. You don't say whatever you want too about her situation." I yell at Hank.
"Am I understood?" I ask sternly.
"Yes sir." Both of the boys state.
"You're both grounded for two weeks. If either of you ever decide to pull a stunt like this again the time will double. Am I clear." I state.
"Yes sir."
"You both are going to go apologize to your sister for scaring the hell out of her and waking her and then your mother. Am I understood?"
"Yes sir." Both say as we walk back into the hospital and walk to Maggie's room.

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