Chapter 51

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Tim's POV:
"Faith can we talk for a minute?" I ask Faith as I enter the kitchen. Faith gets up and we walk into the family room.
"She has a serious attitude and isn't listening. She repeatedly yelled at me to go away and then shoved me." I sigh.
"I don't know what to do." I add.
"I want to cut her some slack because of the Wesley situation, but no of the other kids are acting this way. I don't get where this is coming from." Faith sighs.
"I'm not giving her phone back to her tonight. Also I told her she had five minutes to be down here or she would be in more trouble." I say upset.
"We need to talk to her." Faith adds.
"She has two more minutes before I drag her out." I state as we walk into the kitchen. The two minutes go by and Maggie hasn't come down. I start to walk up the stairs.
"I'm sure you're going to need help." Faith says catching up to me. We walk into Wesley's room and she's back underneath the covers.
"Maggie Elizabeth get up right now." I state sternly.
"No." Maggie snaps. She's really pushing my limits.
"If you don't get up and I have to pull you out, you will be grounded and won't get your phone back." I somewhat yell.
"Maggie listen to your father." Faith states irritated.
"Just freaking go away. I don't want to get up." Maggie yells. I sigh before walking over and yanking the covers off of her.
"Now!" I demand.
"I fucking hate you guys." Maggie mumbles. I pull her out of the bed before throwing her over my shoulder and walking downstairs to the living room as she kicks me. Faith follows behind us. I forcefully put her down on the couch before before glaring at her.
"Knock it off young lady. You need to drop attitude and start being respectful." I quietly yell. Maggie just looks at her hands.
"Maggie Elizabeth look at me when I'm talking to you." I warn.
"You are not to leave your mothers or I's side for the rest of the day. You will sleep on our couch in our room tonight and you will not be getting your phone back until you correct this attitude." I sternly say. Maggie just stares at me.
"Go get breakfast and then you're in the family room with mom or in my office with me." I add sternly. Maggie groans before getting up. I grab her arm before she walks off.
"You stop the attitude this minute little girl." I growl letting go of her arm. She walks into the kitchen as Faith turns towards me.
"Nothing you or I do is fazing her." She sighs.
"I'm so done with her attitude."
"Tim we still need to talk to her and see what is actually beneath this." Faith states before we walk into the kitchen.
"Mom dad can we go watch a movie?" Hank asks.
"Yeah bud. Just put your guys plates in the sink first please." Faith says softly.
"Thank you." All the kids carry their plates over before heading to the theater room. Faith sits down across from Maggie as I grab coffee for the both of us before sitting down next to her.
"Maggie Elizabeth what's going on?" Faith asks grabbing her hand. Maggie looks at us before looking down.
"Why did he do it? I can't do this without him." Maggie breaks down.
"We don't know baby. It's going to be okay. We know it's hard, but we need you to still be the respectful and caring person you are. It's going to make it a lot easier to get through this." I softly whisper.

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