Chapter 2: Rescue Misson

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First Love Yourself
Others will come next"

Mistress O'Linin, Thalia's mother, had given me a list of things I needed to get in the city. What scared me most was that I had to go out by myself. Usually Thalair goes with me but without her was like walking into fire without a shield.

    The wind caressed the feathers of my wings in reassurance. I gulped, hurrying down the street to the little antique shop in the middle. The sooner I get this done, the faster I can go back.

    A chime sounded throughout the silent shop when I stepped in. Luckily no one was inside. Going down the third isle, I spied the little glass lamp perched on the top row. I bit my lip and jumped. Nearly there.

    "You need help?" A deep baritone voice asked behind me. I jumped with a squeak, whipping around and nearly hitting the guy in the face. His expressionless face was quite intimidating.

    "Um, yes please." I scooted back a few feet as he reached up with little effort, plucking the lamp out of the top shelf. Damn you, tall people. He handed it to me, dark eyes lingering on my wings. "Thank you."

    Without a word, he turned around and gestured for me to follow him. Oh god, what if he's planning on kidnapping me? I eyed the muscles on his back as they ripple with every step he took. I gulped in fear, clutching the delicate lamp in my arms.

    "Are you coming?" His voice cut through my thoughts and I looked up, realizing that I had stopped. I quickly nodded and scrambled after him towards the register.

    After paying for the lamp, I quickly made my way towards the grocery store. It was a pretty long way from the antique store and I let out a groan at the thought of walking. If I just have my damn wings I would've gotten there in seconds.

    By the time I reached the damn store, I was slightly out of breath. No thanks to the added weight from the little lamp, that thing was heavier than it looks. Trying not to draw attention was near impossible when you have a huffing and puffing winged person bursting through the door like a lunatic.

    Ignoring the scrutinizing stares, I grabbed a basket-earning a frown from the security guard-and calmly walked towards the produce isle. Grabbing whatever's on the list and paying for them, I sighed as I sat down on the sidewalk of an empty street for a rest. My feet were aching and I still have the long trek back towards the mansion.

    Our people aren't meant to walk long distances. Flying was our way of transport. The humans were smart to chain our wings. We couldn't escape without getting rid of the rings and even if we did, we couldn't go far.

    I sighed and got up but was pushed back down. "Where's your master, little bird?" A nasty voice asked from above. The man was rugged looking, a beard covering half of his face and greasy hair plastered to his head.

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