Chapter 25: Awake

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Sometimes you wonder if the reason people treat you so well

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Sometimes you wonder if the reason people treat you so well

Is because you remind them of someone they once knew

Five days.

Five days I had not left his bedside.

The King and Queen had stood outside of the room while the medic was removing the sword out of Kilian's back. That was one of the most nerve wracking moments of my life. I was restless, pacing up and down the hallway until Cora dragged me to sit down beside her.

Now, I currently sat on the chair I had dragged over to his bed, braiding two golden pieces of yarn. At the other braided end was a speckled brown feather.

"You better open your damn eyes." I muttered, yanking the yarn tight. "I even ripped out a feather for you."

A knock sounded at the door. I looked up just as I finished tying the knot. Cora peeked her head in and sighed.

"Amara you need to go rest."

I looked down at the feather in my hand. "I'm not tired."

She walked over and yanked me up, making me nearly topple over. "You stink and you don't want my brother to wake up smelling-" She abruptly cut herself off as she saw the feather in my hand. Then she looked up at the gray one that was still clipped in my hair. She smirked.

"It's just a feather I found on the floor."


"Really. I think it might be from a bird."

"Mhmm." She had a smirk on her face.

"Okay okay fine! It's mine."

She patted me on the head as she walked towards the door. "I know, girl. I know."

Following her out the door, I looked back at his unconscious form before making my way back towards my room. Taking a fresh set of clothing, I decided to take a shower before going to see him again.

Taking off the feather clip, I set it beside the sink and stepped into the tub. Turning the knob, I let the warm water pelt down on my sore muscles. Despite being days later, my body still ached from the attack. I stared off into the wall, letting my thoughts consume me.

I couldn't help but worry. The sword had went straight through him. Everyone was in a panic when we got back and even when Cora said it wasn't my fault, I couldn't help thinking it was. If I had just refused his offer. If I had just listened to Vulcrian. The thought of him made me stop.

Now that I was thinking about it, I hadn't seen him around when we returned. I frowned, I'll check in with him later.

Quickly washing off, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. Drying off my wings, I slipped into the night clothes and clipped the feather back into my hair. Pocketing my feather chain, I walked out the door.

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