Chapter 19: Berry Red

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She was torn

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She was torn

But her heart led her to one side

And at the end, her heart was the cause of her undoing

We didn't speak much after his revelation. The silence was in no way uncomfortable as we continued the tour of the castle. The majority of it was mainly rooms... rooms... and more rooms. However when he opened the fancy golden double doors, I squealed.

    It was heaven. Every bookworm's dream. Rows upon rows of books stretched around the room, covering the wide expanse of walls. A spiral staircase was in the middle of the room, twisting up into the second story above. In a corner was filled with beanbags and pillows. The black bookshelves seemed to gleam from the sunlight that filtered through the stain glass windows.

    Killian sauntered in, slightly brushing his wings against mine when he brushed past, making a small shiver travel down my body. He leaned against the nearest bookshelf and crossed his arms across his chest.

"My safe haven."

I was too blinded by the beauty in front of me to pay attention to him. "It's beautiful." I closed my mouth and ran to the staircase, peering upwards. "What's up there?"

"Another library but the lounge up there is more secluded. I usually hang out up there when I'm not busy with princely duties."

I turned towards him to see him already watching me. "Princely duties?" I raised an eyebrow.

He let out a breathy laugh. "This title doesn't mean a life of luxury you know. In order to be given the title, I had to prove my worth to my father." He gestured towards the stairs and I put a foot on the first step delicately. I heard a scoff behind me. "It's not going to bite you know." Softer I heard, "Though I can't say the same for me."


He laughed and gave me a slight push in the back. I didn't wait for him as I squealed and ran up the stairs, taking two at a time. "Careful, speedster, the stairs are slippery." However, I ignored his warning as I climbed the last few steps and stopped at the top.

It's official. I'm living here for the rest of my life.

"Holy..." I gaped, speechless at the icicle like fairy lights that hung from the ceiling, turning the room into a winter wonderland. Small snowflakes hung on each level of the bookshelves, twinkling under the lights. "Oh my god..."

"Do you like it?" I turned towards Killian to see him standing with hands casually shoved into the pockets of his pants. But one could see the small spark of nervousness from the slight twitch in his wings.

"Are you kidding? I love it! This is every bookworm's dream." I ran forward and belly flopped onto a huge bean bag.

"I'm glad you do. You're welcome to come up here any time you like."

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