Chapter 12: Arrows and Knives

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She was his other half

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She was his other half

He was hers 

But when she disappeared

All that's left was a void so dark and empty

It slowly chipped away at his soul

It was the second night and so far everyone seemed to be having fun. I was lowkey expecting a fight or something, especially after Vulcrian dragged me away and warned me about Killian being 'dangerous' and I should 'stay away from him' , they were giving each other death glares ever since. I ignored them. They can work out whatever stuff they have between them but I was also aware that it involved me.

I walked up to the shooting range. Five targets were set up a few meters away, each marked with a red circle in the center. The red dot was so small that it was even tinier than an apple. How the hell do they expect people to shoot from so far away when they could barely even see the target?

Grabbing the bow hesitantly, I stood at the white line drawn on the grass. Good thing nobody was here to witness my failure. Nocking an arrow into the bow, I took another quick glance around. Raising the bow, I squinted at the small red dot. Pulling the string back, I let the arrow fly and watched as it sailed through the air and embedded itself onto the brown area.

"At least you still hit something," A familiar voice said from the side. I glance up to see him leaning against the tree, arms crossed across his chest and a sly smirk on his face.

"You were watching huh?"

He eased off the tree and walked over, hands shoved in the pockets of his pants. "Maybe."

"Well, this is embarrassing," I muttered.

He tilted his head to the side, golden eyes watching me carefully. "Like I said, you still hit something. Better than nothing at all." I smiled.

Turning my back to him, I raised the bow again only to be interrupted by a sigh. I threw a look over his shoulder. Concentrating, I was about to release the arrow when another over dramatic sigh made me pause. "Can you stop?"

He raised an eyebrow, amusement clear on his face. "Stop what?" Followed by another hum.

"You're distracting me, go bother someone else."

A warm breath fanned over my neck. I stiffened. "I distract you?" His voice was lowered and hoarse, making butterflies swarm in my stomach. Move back move back.

"You must've heard wrong. I said you're a nuisance." I kept my eyes trained on the target as his warm breath tickled my shoulders.

"Keep your arm straight." He stepped over and straightened my arm that was holding onto the bow. I almost accidentally released the arrow on him. He ducked away from the tip, a look of disbelief on his face.

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