Chapter 10 Part 1: Meeting the Royals

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Sometimes it's okay to cry

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Sometimes it's okay to cry. It doesn't mean you're weak. It just means you've been strong for too long.

When I said the Neutral Land was beautiful before, beautiful doesn't describe it now. Especially when Vulcrian and I arrived in the late evening. Lights strung around the trees lit up the darkness in different colors. There was a huge area where a stage of sorts was set up, each of the four intricately designed poles on its side held a crescent moon light on top. It reminded me of the celebration the Humans held when they celebrated Christmas. The only thing missing was the snow.

"This is awesome!" I squealed and quickly coughed in embarrassment as some Winged turned and gave me a weird look. I smiled and wave at them in which they returned.

Each Winged was clad in different colors of clothing, none two are the same. I recognized that some wore shorter dresses or lavish suits that shimmered under the lights. "Who are they?" I asked Vulcrian as we walked through.

"They're from the Northern Kingdom. They," He nodded to another group who were clad in clothing similar to mine. The girls wore dresses made of thin layers of silk that flared out as they twirled. The boys who were dressed neatly in fine suits and layered ties. "Are from the Southern Kingdom."

We passed by a group of girls who smiled at me in which I returned. "The Eastern Kingdom all wear some form of gold on them." He gestured toward a group. The boys had golden ties and the girls had a golden strip in their hair.

I hadn't felt this excited in so long. Giddiness bubbled in my stomach as I walked next to Vulcrian with a bounce in my step. We walked toward a group of people who wore different crowns or tiaras on top of their heads. Still too busy observing my surroundings, I didn't notice we had stopped until I bumped in Vulcrian's back.

He shot me a look of amusement and I smiled sheepishly at him, mouthing a 'sorry'. He shook his head and turned toward the group who had switched their attention to us. I gulped. It's not like everyday you're in the presence of all the Royals of Lunaravia. Princess Bitch was here too who didn't miss the chance to throw a sneer at me.

They greeted Vulcrian with warm smiles except for one of them. He glared at Vulcrian and flashed him a dark scowl when he saw him. I frowned, what's his problem?

"This is my personal maid, Amara." Vulcrian's voice brought my attention back to the rest and I sank into a curtsy.

"Nice to meet you all," I said cheerfully, hiding my nervousness. However, they all greeted me with warm smiles, except for Princess Bitch of course.

Vulcrian gestured to the couple and young man standing to the left. "This is King Folen and Queen Elysia Dorvaris and their son, Prince Ellisar Dorvaris from the Southern Kingdom." I blinked in shock at the King and Prince's eyes. Of all the people I've seen and met, none had their odd combination of colors. A vibrant purple surrounded by dark electric blue.

"This is King Jeremiah and Queen Kyra Castellane of the Northern Kingdom. Their daughter, Princess Cora and son, Prince Killian." Vulcrian said the last part with gritted teeth and I gave him a look. Guess him and Prince Killian doesn't get along well. I gave them a polite smile and turned towards the last family.

"Lastly, we have the Eastern Kingdom. King Lionel and Queen Victoria Phirora and their daughter, Lyra." Lyra's face flushed when Vulcrian refused to address her title. I hid my smile and exchanged greetings with the King and Queen. I gave the Princess a stiff smile which she ignored.

Vulcrian turned towards me as the others went back to their conversations. "Why don't you go see if there's anything you can help with? If there's none, you can go find your friends and enjoy your time." I smiled and nodded excitedly as the thought of exploring on my own.

"Bitch." I turned towards Lyra who was glaring at me with hatred.

Disregarding the fact that the other Royal families were present, I stepped toward her with narrowed eyes. "What did you say?"

She smirked, "You heard me. Taking orders and following my fiance around like a goddamn dog. Same goes for that little kid you always hang around." In the corner of my eye, I saw the Royals pause in their conversations and turned toward us.

"Lyra," Vulcrian stepped forward and said in warning as he shot her a look to shut the hell up.

"Listen here, Princess. You can call me a bitch all you like, but don't you dare say that to my family. I came here to work and to earn a living because not all of us have things handed to us on a fucking silver platter. If you're just going to stand there and look down on us, the people who serve and make your food and clean your room then you should look who's talking because the only bitch here is you." We were standing so close as we glared at each other. Thankfully the other Winged were farther away from us so they didn't know what was going on.

Taking a deep breath I said, "I don't know what the hell your problem is with me. Take it out on me, do whatever you want with me, but" I jabbed a finger at her shoulder as I said the last words. She looked to be at such a loss of words as a sense of satisfaction overcame me.

Turning to the Royals who stared at me in surprise and shock, I curtsied. "I apologize for your majesties and highnesses to see that side of me. I'll take my leave now." With that, I scurried away towards the makeshift kitchen, further beyond the trees.

Taking a deep breath once I was out of their sight, I released a large breath. As the adrenaline left me, my hands shook with nerves. Geez Amara, way to go. They'll probably have your head now. However looking back, I didn't see any trace of anger in their expressions. In fact, I thought I saw Prince Killian and Ellisar and Princess Cora smirking.

Shaking my head, I entered the kitchen with a smile on my face. "You!" I jumped in my spot as the voice boomed right next to my ear.

"Serve the refreshments to the Royals!" A tray was shoved into my hands.

"Wait, but can't you have someone else serve it to them?" I can serve it to anyone else but the thought of the Royals having my head was still present in my mind. I involuntarily shivered. What if they come to me in the middle of the night, kidnap me, lock me up in a rusty old cell, and then skin me alive?

"No and no time for dilly dallying! Get going!" The head maid literally kicked me out of the kitchen and I stuck my tongue out at her disappearing back.

Slowly walking towards the Seated Royals at the platform, I sucked up my nerves and walked up to them. Thankfully, they were too engulfed in whatever they're saying to notice it was me.

Placing a glass of weird pink liquid in front of the Kings and Queens, I moved on to the Princes and Princesses. A hand reached out to take the glass from me and I looked up to meet amber eyes. He quirked his lips and I gave him a smile, moving on to Prince Ellisar.

"Thank you," He said politely and I nodded my head. Almost done, just three more and then I'll be out of here like my wings are on fire.

I was met with a grin from Princess Cora which settled some of my nerves. Keyword: some. Stopping in front of Prince Killian, I looked up to find him already staring at me. I quickly looked back down and handed him his drink. Was it just me who can't look into light colored eyes?

Handing the drink not so nicely towards Princess Bitch, I held back a laugh as she almost tipped the glass towards herself. A small chuckle came from the left and I ignored it, knowing it was from Prince Killian.

Hurring away from the Royals, I walked back towards the kitchen to return the tray. A grin made its way to my face. Maybe the other Highnesses weren't so bad afterall.  

What do you think is up with Vulcrian and Killian? 

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