Chapter 34: Reunion

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It takes some time apart before you realize how much you missed them

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It takes some time apart before you realize how much you missed them

We were losing.

    We have been fighting for hours and the rebels just kept coming. Bodies littered the once green grass with pools of red and the heavy stench of copper hung heavy in the air. The soldiers fought on but I could sense the hopelessness in them.

    There was no news from the King and Queen and I hoped their side was going well. A messenger had arrived not too long ago and it wasn't just the Northern Kingdom the rebels were attacking. It was all of them.

    "Here, share this between your brother okay?" I handed a young girl a cup of water.

    The amount of rebels was so overwhelming that we had to divide ourselves up into different groups. My group was currently helping out in the infirmary.

    "Lady Amara!" I turned to see a soldier running up to me. His upper right arm was wrapped up but the blood was already seeping through the white bandages. He leaned in and whispered, "The Prince will be arriving soon."

    "What? Then we must-"

    "No, he has told me to tell you to keep the element of surprise. His Highness is currently revising strategies beyond the western border."

    "Is he alright?"

    The soldier nodded with a small smile. "He is fine."

    Looking around, wounded soldiers were being tended before leaving for the fight outside. My heart clenched at the amount of lives that are going to be lost today. Turning towards the soldier who was looking around with a frown, I touched his arm to get his attention. "Take me to him."

    The soldier's eyes widened as he shook his head. "His Highness knew you were going to come to him so he told me to specifically stay with you so you wouldn't sneak away." Then he added, "My Lady."

    I narrowed my eyes, "If he thinks I'm going to sit down and wait for him to come here, then he's dead wrong." Lowering my voice, I continued, "I don't think our soldiers will hold on much longer. Take me to him, we need a plan and fast."

    He chewed his bottom lip and sighed in defeat, mumbling something along the lines of, "He's going to have my head."

    Everyone was so occupied that it wasn't hard to leave from the side tower. As we hid ourselves higher up in the clouds, the sounds of battle faded away but the sight below would scar me forever.

    The soldier, whose name I learned was Markus, filled me in on what had happened. The Eastern Kingdom was on the brink of becoming ruins. Killian had managed to save what's left of it but the people there had nowhere to go. They were taken away to a safer location where the rebels wouldn't be able to find them. Apparently they were stable for now and the rebels had retreated from their kingdom.

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