Chapter 15: See You Soon

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I stepped through the trees, the sounds of a busy village sounding further ahead

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I stepped through the trees, the sounds of a busy village sounding further ahead. Curious, I followed the sound and came upon a familiar site. I looked around, confused. Weren't we getting attacked just moments ago? Why was everyone acting like they had all the time in the world?

Eyeing the familiar structures of the houses and stalls that lined the streets, my eyes widened at the small bakery in the corner.

With every step I took, each person I passed, no one seemed to notice me there. Not to mention that the clothing these people wore were more... old. I walked up to the bakery, noticing the peeling pain on the sides that weren't there when I had went there.

A familiar voice caught my attention but for some reason, I just couldn't put my mind to it. Turning the corner I stopped. A figure stood in front of a jewelry store, her spotted wings were tucked tightly behind her and her black voluminous hair were twisted into a long braid. I took a step closer and frowned at the taller figure standing beside her.

I shook my head, squinting at the the broad shoulders. Where have I seen him before....

"Do you want that one?" He asked the girl who was smiling widely at the blue flower pin in her hands. She nodded and I watched as the man took the pin and gently pinned it into her hair, his hands lingering a moment on her face.

"You look beautiful. It brings out the violet in your eyes," He whispered into her ear and she laughed, playfully swatting him on the shoulders. Chuckling, he wrapped an arm around her waist bringing her into his chest and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Stop, people are watching," The girl whispered and shoved him away. I stepped up behind them, quietly following as they walked towards a small diner.

It seemed highly intrusive to stalk them on their date but curiosity got the best of me. However just when I was about to take a step, the ground started shaking. I looked around in alarm as the scenery started fading away.

"I love you." Was the last thing I heard before everything disappeared in a flash.

"Wake up, Amara!" My whole body shook as the person roughly pushed my shoulders. I groaned and swatted them away. Who dares interrupt my sleep?

The shaking continued mercilessly and I snapped. "Bugger off!" I shout as I abruptly sat up, irritation seeping from my pores. Silence.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, slowly opening them to see a hundred pairs of eyes staring straight at me. I froze. Shit, I forgot I was at the safe room. "Um... Sorry?" Everyone turned back to what they were doing and I sighed in relief from the unwanted attention.

Rolling my shoulders, I turned towards Rory. "What is it?"

"Prince Vulcrian was looking for you."

I raised an eyebrow and looked around. There was only one room in the safe room, surely it wasn't that hard to find someone in here. But there were at least a few hundred people in the room. Looking over to where the Royal family is, I immediately spotted Vulcrian and the King talking. They looked to be in a very heated argument. "Well what are you waiting for? Go!"

I gave Rory an are-you-stupid look. "Does it look like I want to get mauled?" He peered over and frowned.

"You're right, let's just wait until they're done. If you go over there now, you'll probably get sliced to pieces," He said, eyeing the weapons they King and Vulcrian both adorned.

We didn't have to wait long when Vulcrian made his way over to us. "Amara, can I talk to you?" I stuffed the last piece of meat in my mouth and followed him to an empty corner. He sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"My father wants me to send you to the Northern Kingdom to alert them of what has happened."

I quickly swallowed and gave him an incredulous look. "What? But I don't even know how to go there!"

"That's what I told him and it's not safe for you to go outside. There could be more rebels hiding outside, waiting to ambush you. I can't risk it." His voice got quieter in the end as he looked at me. I could sense a but coming...

"But my father is a stubborn old fool." He shook his head, his expression twisted into one of anger. I took a weary step back as he balled his fists. "Out of every people out there, he has to make me send someone I care about." He punched the wall and I winced as blood dotted his knuckles.

"It's okay, I am pretty fast. I'll get there in no time!" I tried to smile up at him but in reality my heart was pounding. Seriously, wasn't the King afraid that sending a maid, who literally has no idea where everything is and only has been here for months, might fuck up?

Vulcrian clenched his jaw, his eyes glaring at the King who was watching us closely. His gaze was intimidating to say the least. Vulcrian suddenly grabbed my hand and I stuttered. He pulled me in and engulfed me in a hug. I took a peek around to see several pairs of eyes watching us.

"Um...People are watching."

He stepped back, letting out a loud sigh. "You will be lead to the south exit in the castle. Keep the rising sun to your left and fly straight." I nodded and saw the King walking towards us.

"Amara." I curtsied. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He gave a nod. "Come find me when you've said your goodbyes." He gave his son a stern look in which Vulcrian ignored. "Come with me." I watched as they walked towards a group of guards huddled together, discussing something.

"What did the King want?" Galore asked as he appeared beside me.

"Go to the Northern Kingdom and let them know of the attack." Galore frowned, eyes darkening.

"Why didn't he send a guard instead?"

I shrugged, "Who knows."

Rory bounded forward and attached himself to me, almost choking me to death from his death grip. They were worried and nervous about the rebels which was understandable. Hell, I was a nervous wreck but to put them off their worry, I strengthened my shoulders and held my head up high.

It wasn't long until a guard came and dragged me away from their clutches. Walking through a hidden path away from the safe room, my wings trembled as reality came crashing in.

I would be out there alone, without anyone with me. Not to mention there would be rebels out there who were most likely waiting to chop me up into pieces. I don't even know how to get to the Northern Kingdom for god's sake. What if I get lost along the way?

"You know what to do?" The King asked as he turned towards me. The crown atop his head glittered under the moonlight. I gulped and looked outside; the quietness was disturbing.

"Yes." He gave me a final nod and returned back down the hall.

"Hey." I looked up at Vulcrian. "You'll be fine." He looked at the white bell clipped to my hair. "Keep that with you. That way if you encounter anyone, they won't get suspicious."

"Okay," I whispered and he took a step back.

"I'll wait for you until you get back."

Taking a deep breath, I lifted off into the night sky. I didn't look back because if I did, I wouldn't find the courage to go. 

To the North we go!! 

King is suspicious or nah? 

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