Chapter 14: Attack

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"He hasn't been himself ever since she was gone

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"He hasn't been himself ever since she was gone."

"But you made him smile again."

My first thought that Lunaravia was a peaceful world was wrong. Not everything we see meets the surface and sometimes there are things hidden beneath those cracks and crevices that we miss. So it was alarming when warning bells blared throughout the castle. The rush of frantic footsteps from the maids and sharp orders from the guards rang through the hallways.

"Everyone get to the underground safe room!" A guard barked as he shoved a young servant boy with the large group. The place was filled with chaos as frightful cries filled the air and confusion of what's happening went through everyone's minds.

Where was I at this time?

I was chowing down on a ham sandwich in the kitchen or at least I was before the shouting started. At first I had thought someone killed a rat - not that there are rats here, at least from the time I've been here - but the frantic yells from across the palace said otherwise.

A guard burst into the kitchen, ushering us out into the hallway. My stomach let out a growl of protest, I should've taken my sandwich with me...

Loud cries rang out down the hall and I watched in shock as groups of ragged looking men and women, each with a very sharp weapon, charged towards us. Immediately, I looked for a weapon of of sorts, anything that could defend us with. Hell, even a piece of paper would've suffice because paper cuts hurt like a bitch.

Guards flew in and intercepted them before they could get any further. We flew down the hall, trying to avoid swinging swords and other sharp weapons. A small cry came from another room and I paused. Peeking in, five rugged looking men were fighting against a four guards but what caught my attention was the small figure huddled in the corner.

One of the men broke away and charged towards the little boy. Panic seized me and without thinking, I darted towards him and tackled him from behind. He let out a surprised grunt and twisted around, swinging the rusty sword which I quickly evaded. I haven't really learned how to fight and having a dirty angry man charging towards you with a sword would send anyone flying.

Grabbing the closest object near me which happened to be a lamp, I hurled it towards him. It hit him square in the face and without wasting any more time I flew towards the little boy, scooped him up in my arms and darted out of the room.

He wrapped his tiny arms around my neck and buried his tear streaked face into my neck. "Shh, you're going to be okay. Just keep your head down alright?" He nodded and tightened his grip.

An enraged yell sounded behind me and I looked back to see the man with a very swollen face chasing after me. I cursed. Out in the hallways, loud clangs of metal against metal and battle cries filled the air and I flew upwards, away from the chaos. Everyone was too busy fighting each other to notice us above.

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