Chapter 31: Leave

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You know what's one of the things that hurt the most?

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You know what's one of the things that hurt the most?

Watching the person you love, fall in love with someone else


Never in my life have I ever felt hopeless. Not even when Mira chose that rat over me. Not even when I found out about her death. But sitting here, watching the dark haired girl lying in my bed, pale and motionless, was the first time I've ever felt this way.

A thick white bandage wrapped around her head and over her eyes. The burn marks on the side of her face would make anyone sneer in disgust. But to me, she is still the most beautiful winged I had ever seen.

The doctor said the burns would fade in time and her eyesight would get better. How much better, we wouldn't know until she wakes up.

My mind wandered to the two lowlives currently rotting in the dungeon. The sorry excuse of a prince and his bitch of a fiance. My hands clenched into fists as anger rose up again. I had made sure they didn't go down without getting a taste of their own medicine.

The door opened. "Brother."

I didn't answer, instead continued to brush the feather clip in my hand.

A hand came down gently on my shoulder. "You need to eat."

"Not hungry."

"She wouldn't want to see you like this."

"Don't care."

Cora sighed and placed the tray of food on the drawer. "Just eat some okay?"

She left without another word. Leaning over, I clipped the feather into her limp hair. Trailing my hand to the unburned side of her face, I caressed the soft skin. "I miss you."

I took her cold hand in mine. "Gods, I miss you." I kissed her hand, burying my face in it. "I know you can't hear me but I hope you do because I'm only going to say this once. I claim you, Amara. I claim you as my mate, my life, my partner through life and death. I'm not letting you go." I squeezed her hand. "I gave you my feather for a reason. I don't know if you gave yours to me for the same reason but... I love you. Fuck, I love you Amara."

Getting up, I kissed her forehead, lingering there for a few seconds before retreating. Walking out of my room, I looked up at Ellisar who was walking down the hall. His face looked troubled and exhausted.

"The King wants you."

I nodded at him. "Make sure no one goes in." He gave a small smile of reassurance and went into my room. I noticed the guards looking at each other. "You two got something to say?"

They immediately strengthened up. "No, sir. I mean Your Highness" The one on the left said. They squirmed under my stare. Good.

Without another word, I flew towards the throne room.

Father and mother stood together, softly discussing with concern on their faces. Several of their advisors were there, dressed in classy robes with decorative small chains wrapped around the base of their wings.

"You called me?" I asked and gave a brief nod to the advisors who bowed their heads.

Father looked up with a frown. "How is she?"

My fists clenched as I quickly looked at the advisors. A part of me didn't want them to know about Amara. I don't need them gossiping amongst the others and spreading rumors about her. Looking back at my father, I quick a small shake of the head.

Mom gave a small reassuring smile which I returned. However, it turned serious when she pointed at a spot on the smaller version of Lunaravia floating in the middle of the table. "Rebels attacked again. I'm afraid the Eastern Kingdom is not looking too good. Their borders have been destroyed, the majority of their villages are burned down. But here's the thing. There's a demand for the Western Prince."

I raised an eyebrow. "They can take him." The advisors looked at me in shock.

Father shot me a stern look. "We need to figure out why they want Prince Vulcrian. If they continue on, the kingdoms will perish along with the innocents."

I smirked, "Maybe I can get some information out of that little ra- I mean prince." I quickly changed my word choice when mom shot me a stern look.

One of the advisors coughed and stepped forward. "Your Majesties, we trust our Prince to solve the matter and find out who is leading the rebels."

If they think I'm leaving Amara here, they got another thing coming. I glared at their wrinkled faces. These old hags can do it themselves.

"I only have one son, Frederick."

The old hag, I meant Frederick, bowed his head in respect. "The other kingdoms need our help. Our young Prince has a hand in magic. We believe he can succeed."

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Father sighed and turned towards mother, a silent conversation between them. Finally, he nodded. "Killian, you will take your top warriors with you to Eastern tomorrow night."


"We'll make sure she's alright." Mother interrupted me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I low guttural sound came out of my throat. I will personally wring these old hangs' necks. But the King's word is final.

"Fine," I spat out and left the throne room.

I flew to my room. I can't believe they're making me leave. For how long? How long are we going to be apart?

Opening the door, Ellisar nodded at me and left without another word. Getting in bed, careful not to jostle her form, I laid down on my side and wrapped an arm around her stomach.

"I'm leaving tomorrow night. Promise me you will wait until I come back. I want to be the first one you see when you open your eyes." I leaned over and kissed her cheek. A trembling breath escaped me and I buried my face in her neck. Slowly, her soft breathing lulled me to sleep. 

Hey guys! sorry for the late update but I just submitted my college apps! Yay!! Now cross my fingers and hope I actually get into one lmao... yikes.

Not my best chapter and I think it's the shortest one too but it's in Killian's POV so I hope you guys still liked it. 

Vote, Comment, Enjoy!

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