Chapter 36: More Time

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A/N: Brace yourselves

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A/N: Brace yourselves. This is the second to last chapter before the epilogue. Above is a picture of Arcadia and Titan who you guys will meet later on in the chapter.

*gives tissues*

Don't kill me.

Soldiers that were hidden in plain sight, sprang from the tall grasses. With a start, I realized their wings were painted a light brown to camouflage with the ground. I was impressed with their ability to get hundreds or thousands of soldiers ready in a short amount of time.

While the royals were engaged in the fight below, Cora and I were releasing arrows one after another, each one perfectly hitting their marks. The plains that were untouched by death quickly became tainted with the stench of blood.

I spied Casor's dark coat amongst the rebels, darting so fast in between them that he became a dark blur. He was taking down the ones who were trying to sneak behind Killian, batting them down with a mighty swipe of his claws.

Esta crouched next to Cora, flicking poison darts in tune with her arrows. My arrows were quickly running out but the wave of rebels were unending as they continued to flow down the crest of the hill.

Picking up my sword, I gave a nod to Cora and flew down with lightning speed, crashing into a rebel who was ganging up on Ellisar. He looked exhausted judging by his pale face and tired eyes. "What are you doing down here?"

"Saving your butt." I drove my sword through a rebel's stomach and yanked it out, ignoring the spray of blood.

Ellisar ducked and parried an incoming sword with his own. "I thought you were supposed to stay hidden!"

"And let you have all the fun? Not a chance!"

He chuckled, "Stubborn like always."

As we moved in sync between the swarm of rebels, ducking and slicing, a sudden thought occurred. "Where's your familiar?"

Pain bloomed on my arm and I hissed, turning and slicing off the hand of a rebel. If this was any time, I would feel remorse but this is a matter of life or death. It's kill or be killed. Ignoring the soul wrenching scream, I backed up against Ellisar so we faced them back to back.

"Oh, he's here somewhere."

I threw him a look. "Well we could use his help right now."

He laughed. "He's a bit big, I'm afraid. Might frighten them off before we have some fun."

I scoffed at him and widened my eyes. Pulling him down, I brought my sword up to block the blow before it could decapitate my brother. Pushing them back, Ellisar slit his throat with a quick jerk of his hand.

I couldn't see the others beyond the stream of rebels. There were too many. There was a familiar form of a horse like familiar crashing through the soldiers. Satark. That meant Vulcrian did not come to his senses.

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