Chapter 26.

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First Day

[Nea's POV]

It's the registration day and I've decided to arrive early for my registration. Adam and the guys decided to escort me to the place. I notice that a lot of people are looking in our way, I know the boys are the cause. After that, all of them are helping me to my hostel, although I didn't need their help actually since I only have one bag with me. 

My room is on the first floor because I'm one of the early birds. I open the room's door and I saw two bunk beds except that the one below is a space for studying, probably because there's a study table. The boys are checking on everything, the table, the bed, window, and et Cetra.

"Which one do you prefer? The one on the right or the left?" Adam asks me when the boys signal that everything in the room is in good condition.

"It's the same anyway. Thanks, guys." I say as I put my things on the right side. The boys just smile at me and they go out of the room to wait for us downstairs, leaving me and Adam alone.

"Will you be okay?" Adam sounds worried and I hug him, "I'll be okay. I'll call you immediately if anything happens or even if there are nothings happening."

Adam scoffs and turns to smile when I look up to see his face. We're in entrance with each other when suddenly someone cough making us jumps a bit.

"Sorry to disturb you. Um... I actually...I want to go inside." The blonde girl speaks carefully as I let Adam go.

"I'll wait for you downstairs," Adam says as he goes out of the room and I nod.

Should I initiate it first? Um...

"Hi! I'm Nea, Nea Aryn Clark." I held out a hand to her, my new roommate.

She looks up and she quickly tidies up her clothes and cleans her hand with her clothes. "I'm Jenna, Jenna Kris Evans. Hi Nea." She smiles softly with her green eyes and accepts my hand.

"Wow, you're beautiful. What is your major? Oh, sorry if I'm taking the right space, if you want to switch, we can." I let go of her hand and went to my side, ready to switch.

"No, no! I'm okay either way. I'm majoring in Communication. How about you? Oh, by the way, you're beautiful too." She smiles while getting up to her bed, probably checking everything.

"I'm majoring in Language studies. So, we won't be classmates then." I say as I check on the message that Adam sent.

"I doubt it, we probably have 1 or two classes together, believe me." She smiles again and I nod.

"Urm, I want to go have breakfast, care to join? um, can I call you Kris?" I ask when I reach the door.

"Next time, probably, sure! no one calls me Kris before. See you later, Nea" Kris waved as I walk away and wave her back.

Everything is great so far.


I'm struggling during the orientation period and it's almost hard to see Adam since he's a senior and I'm a freshman. Sometimes he made his way to see me, and I can totally see the commotion he made. We always texted or called each other whenever there's a free period, we even on the phone till I or he fall asleep, usually it's me. 

Finally, the first class started and it's been great so far, although It's a bit confusing for me. Kris is right though, we have two classes together and I'm a bit relieved to see a face that I know. It's not that I didn't want to make new friends, but I find it hard. Most of the freshman is younger than me since I started out late, and it's like there's an age gap in between us.

I sit on a bench outside while looking at the scenery. I didn't have a class for about 2 hours. I texted Adam, says to where my location since I didn't quite remember where to where yet and he says he's on the way.

I can feel the cold reaching my bone and my nose is red, although I wear my beanie and scarf. While I'm waiting for Adam, someone approaches me.

"Hi, Nea is it?" That guy in a black thick jacket and blue jeans says.

I look up to see him and I instantly recognize him, he's one of my classmates, no he's actually in all of my classes. "Yes, I am, and you are... " I tried to remember his name when we're in orientation since he's also one of my groupmate.

"Ethan." He takes a seat next to me and I scoot away a bit, giving us some space.

"Aren't you cold?" He strikes a conversation as he looks me in the eye and I quickly look away.

"A bit, but I'm okay," I say, but my body didn't agree to it since I started to shiver as I brush my hand together to warm up.

"You don't seem okay to me." He chuckles and he takes a hot pack from his pocket and put it on my hand, which he grasps suddenly, making me freeze to his touch. I quickly tore my hand away from his and stand up, "Thank you, but I'm really okay."

He stands and smiles, "No, you're not. You're practically shivering." He tries to get close and I take a step back.

Adam, please be quick.

Ethan still trying to talk to me as I take a step back slowly trying to make a space, but he's also taking a step forward each time I take a step back, so he's actually persistent. Suddenly I saw Adam's figure as he's trying to locate me. He saw me in a second and he also saw Ethan, which makes him run to me as fast as he could.

"Hey baby, Sorry I'm late." Adam smiles as he kisses my cheek making me blushing red. Ethan looks confused, but he remains calm, "Are you Nea's boyfriend?"

Adam turns to look at Ethan and he smiles while extending his hand, "Adam, Nea's boyfriend and you are?". 

Yes, we decided to hide our marriages until we actually decided not to. But it's not totally a lie though since we are in a relationship. I decided to put my wedding ring on my necklace, the same goes for Adam. He also made a special necklace for both of us.

"I see. Nice to meet you, Adam. I'm Ethan Hunt, Nea's classmates. I just wanted to get to know her more since we're classmates and all."

"I see, but you might need to keep it low to the notch a bit since Nea's not really good in making new friends. And as you can see, she's scared of you now."

Ethan looks at me who's hiding behind Adam, "Did I scare you? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I really want to be friends with you. So can we?" 

Adam grasps my hand as he looks at me and nods. I try to find his eyes to make sure he's okay with this since Ethan is quite straight to the point about his intention.

I nod, "Yes, we can. Thanks for initiating first, Ethan. It's good to know you."

"Same here, owh I have to go now. See you in class Nea! See you, Adam." Ethan smiles and walks away while calling someone with his phone.

"Are you okay?" Adam turns to me and I've already stopped shivering, but my hands and my face are cold when Adam put his warm hands on it, "You should've waited inside." He says as he tries to warm my hands with his hands.

I smile and I hug him suddenly making him freeze, "I miss you." He hugs me back as he leans to the crook of my neck and whisper, "I miss you too, much more to be exact." 

I can feel my neck and face getting hot because of the blush, and I can feel his hug is getting tighter, making both of us warm at the moment.

"Adam, where're the guys?"

Adam whipped his head up to my question, "Oh shoot! They're waiting at the cafe outside the University. We should head there now." I laugh and I nod, "Let's go." Adam holds my hand and put it in his pocket as we walk towards the cafe together.


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