Chapter 51.

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Hey guys! I'm turning 24 today! hahaha sorry being sudden, but thanks for reading 'Falling Beginning', I love you! (You know who you are! You are awesome!)

Open Up

[Adam POV]

I am more than happy to drive her to class this morning, more than ever to be exact. When I hold her hand with my free hand while driving, she replies back by intertwining our hands together. I'm over the rainbow now that Nea is back in my life.

I jog around my car to open the door for her, which she replies with a kiss on my cheek. I am not satisfied with it so I cupped her face and brought her face to mine and put my lips on hers. Her eyes widen to my sudden action and I couldn't hold my smile while kissing her. She replies back a few seconds after regaining her composure and tiptoe to match with my height. I slide my hands to her waist and pick her off the ground, making her squeal.

"Adam, put me down please, people are watching," Nea whisper in my ear as she hugs me and hides her face in the crook of my neck.

"Let them look," I said as I tighten my grip on her waist.

Nea chuckles, "I'm going to be late for class if you don't let me go now... baby hubby."

My eyes widen and my grip loosened, Nea takes this opportunity to let herself down and a few steps back from me.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I said as I put a hand on my raging heart.

Nea laughs as she waves goodbye and walks towards her college while my eyes lock on her figure. Suddenly she stops at the stairs to turn around and our eyes met. She makes a gesture of blowing a kiss in addition to the action of shooting an arrow at me. I quickly make an action of being shot at my heart and fall back to the car, making her laugh and this time she makes her way inside. 

I drive away when she's out of my sight. I put on my earpiece and dialed home as I drive back to my apartment. I speak when I knew the owner picks up.

"Hey, mum."

"Hey, my baby. How are you? Where are you, I saw Lucas just now, but he said you left behind in Boston with William. Why?"

"I'm fine. Has Sara told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

"Nea's back."

There's silence through the line and a few seconds after I heard a sniffle.

"How... When... Are you okay?"

"We're okay. I'm okay. She's back and she's sorry for everything mum."

Mom didn't say anything except for her sniffle.

"Are you... Are you angry at her mum?"

"Yes for hurting you, but also No, because I know she's hurting too."

"I deserve it mom, but yeah, she had a hard time too. It's not just me."

"When are you going to be back home?"

"This weekend, Nea got classes as soon as she's back. I'm not leaving her alone, Mum."

"I understand, just promise me this time that you both won't let each other go. Or else I'll disown both of you."

God! Mom sounds serious. I'll have to remind Nea about it.

"I won't let her go mum and she'll not let me go too. We've both learned our lesson."

"Good, I have to go now. Your dad got a business meeting and I'm accompanying him, but we'll be back before the weekend. Make sure both of you are back this weekend, I don't want any excuse, Adam Nicholas Clark."

"Yes, ma'am!" I heard mum chuckle before she ends the call. I smile as I park my car and went up to my apartment.


I am leaning to my car outside of Nea's college as I wait for her last class to end. I am wearing my white shirt with my black jeans and sneakers while I scroll and read my emails on the phone. I glance at my watch and Nea's class almost ended so I wait for her to appear.

I can't hide my smile when I see her descending the stairs while laughing with her friends. I look at her longingly and when she sees me, her face lit up. She waves her friends goodbye and I can see she shyly pushes them, probably being teased about me.

Her eyes sparkle as she makes her way to me and I believe mine also sparkle for her. She stopped her in her track when someone called out to her and she turns around to see that person. I saw Ethan running up to her and he begins to talk to her, non-stop.

I can see Nea keep glancing at me in between listening to Ethan. I walk up to them and put my hand on her shoulder as I peck her cheek. Ethan looks surprised, but he hides it fast.

"Hey, Adam right? I thought you guys were over?"

Nea looks disbelief, "Who told you that?"

"Well, I saw him before I went to Japan and he's a mess. I even heard he's looking around for you. When I'm in Japan, I met you and you're a mess too, I figured that you both were ..not together anymore."

"We had a break, but we're back together now." Nea smiles as she put her hand on my waist and I can see Ethan's eyes follows her action.

"Well, of course, wifey. You can't run away from me, you know. I won't, never let you go." I made my voice loud enough to make the students near us stopped in their tracks and look at us.

I guess the whole school will know about us by tomorrow.

"Wi...Wifey??" Ethan's voice cracks and Nea's eyes widen while she's looking at me.

"Yeah, Nea's my wife," I said loud and clear.

I heard gasps from the students and Ethan while Nea just looks at me. I turn to her and I smile, unexpectedly she returns the smile and put her other free hand to hug me.

"How... I mean when did you guys get married?" Ethan asks and I can see his eyes turn, sad and broken.

"Before I enrolled here," Nea answered and smile innocently at Ethan.

"Wow! I can't believe it, I mean, how could you guys hide it? I mean, I'm shocked."

"I'm sorry Ethan, I don't mean to hide it from you. I know you deserve to know because you're my friend.." Nea starts to explain, but Ethan cuts her off.

"No, it's not even my business actually. But, nonetheless congratulations, Nea! I'm happy for you" Ethan step forward but hesitate. Nea let go and hug him making him a surprise and he looks at me, panicking, as I just smile and nodded.

"Thank you, Ethan, you're a good friend. I'm glad I got you as my friend here." Nea said happily and Ethan slowly returns her hug and he closes his eyes to suppress his feeling.

Both of them let go after a few minutes and then Ethan walks up to me, "Congratulations Adam, you're lucky to have her... for life. Don't break her heart, or I'll make you regret."

I smile softly because I know he didn't mean any harm, except for falling for her. "I know, and I would break my own if I did that to her. She's lucky to have you as her friend, Ethan. Thank you."

Ethan smiles, "Be happy and I wish you both have a great marriage life ahead. Luckily, you're cooler than me so I'll let you have her."

I laugh and pat him on the shoulder and then both, me and Nea go straight to the car as we drive away from BU.


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