Chapter 27.

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Feeling Jealous

It's finally Friday, the first week of classes has ended. Nea is walking alone while listening to her Spotify playlist and she walks slowly as she enjoys the view of the road back to her dorm. Kris probably is back at the dorm already since she got a separate class from Nea today. 

Nea's phone rings and she take it out of her jacket to see the caller id. She smiles widely as she sees Adam's name.

"Hey, beautiful! What are you doing?" Adam is playfully talking through the phone.

"Hey, handsome! I'm currently walking back... to the dorm while listening to my playlist and enjoying the view. What about you? Classes end already?"

"My class ended an hour ago. I'm also currently walking around while talking to you and enjoying my view."

Nea stopped walking, "What view? Girls view?"

"Yepp." Adam popped the 'p' but his voice didn't sound like he's joking.

"You're joking, right?" Nea asks as she feels the jealousy within.

"No, I'm not. I really am enjoying my view." Adam honestly answered.

Nea put her hand on her temple and sigh, "Okay. What's she look like?"

"Well, it's interesting. She's wearing black jeans with a large white T and a cream-colored thick cardigan. She has a black-brown hair which is long and she wears black spectacles. Her hair is up in a high ponytail and she looks.."

"She looks what, Adam?" Nea sounds annoyed as she rolls her eye.

"She looks mad, but she's cute. You know beautiful, you shouldn't roll your eyes like that...." Adam says and Nea quickly turns around in a place and to only find Adam leaning on the pillar on her right, a bit far from her spot.

Nea smiles widely almost grinning towards him with her phone still at her ear. Adam waves his hand, which is still holding the phone that's connected to Nea's phone and he continues, "Because I find it hella sexy."

Nea burst out laughing and Adam opens his arms wide towards Nea's direction. Nea shakes her head not wanting to do it, she signals to the surrounding since a lot of students are on their way back to the dorm. Adam shakes his head, didn't give up and still held his arms open wide.

Nea finally gives up and she runs towards Adam until she crashes in his arms. She buries her head in Adam's chest not wanting to see people looking at them since they are basically making a drama, "You're insane."

"Well, it's one thing that you know about me now." Adam playfully says as he strokes Nea's head while still hugging her.

"Want to crash at my place for the weekend?" Adam suggests and Nea release the hug a bit as she looks up to Adam's eye. 

"The guy's won't mind. They knew about us anyway. I dare to bet that they would love to have you as a guest." Adam tries to make Nea agree. Nea eyes wander around as she thinks and Adam smiles to her cute antics.

"I'll have to inform Kris and I need to get my clothes and things too." Nea gives in and Adam smiles in victory.

"Let's go and get your stuff." Adam let go of their hugs and intertwine their hands instead. Walking hand in hand towards the dorm. 


Adam is waiting downstairs while Nea goes to her room and finds that Kris is watching Netflix while hogging the popcorn. Kris notices that Nea is back, she sits up to look at her, "Want to watch Netflix and chill?"

"I'm sorry Kris, I'm on my way to Adam's place for the weekend. I'm sorry, but I'll take that offer for another time, Ummm how about next weekend?" Nea stops pushing her things in her backpack.

"It's okay. I understand I'm once there too. Being a lovebird and all." Kris smiles genuinely and Nea can feel her face getting hot. Nea silently mouthed, "Thank you."

Kris sits up and pauses the movie, "Nea, I'm sorry if I sounded like I'm meddling, but didn't you say that you've only known Adam for almost a month? Didn't you think this (Kris pointed at Nea and the bag) that you're spending the weekend with him a good idea? I mean, don't take it the wrong way, but you are a nice girl, not that I say Adam is bad but.. you might want to think it again?"

Nea smiles as she takes a seat in her chair under the bed, "I know that you meant well, don't worry, I didn't think it the wrong way or you're even meddling. I'm grateful that you actually care. There's something about me and Adam that I can't tell you yet Kris, but I will tell you later, but not now, I'm sorry."

Kris gets down from her bed and she says, "It's okay, I understand and I'll mark your words about this." Nea chuckles as she hugs Kris and she hugs Nea back, "You better go now, your Romeo's appearances are not small for the girls here. You might want to claim him as yours forever."

Ne nod and wave Kris goodbye as she made her way downstairs. She saw a few girls surround Adam and flirting with him, although he doesn't seem interested he tries to be polite. Nea can feel her jealousy as she struts faster towards Adam and slings her arms to Adam's.

"Hey, baby! Sorry, I'm late." Nea's voice increases a few octaves to make sure the girls heard her. Adam's eyes widen to Nea's words.

Adam smiles widely to Nea's antics and he put his hands to cup her face, "Nah, I'm willing to wait for more, just for you." Nea face currently flushed red and she blinks quickly.

The girls go away as they whisper to each other. Adam leans closer to Nea's ears as he whispers, "When did you decide to call me baby?"

Nea remembers back at home, they have once discussed this 'pet name' thing. Adam suggests a lot, but Nea cannot decide as she's not like a normal girl of her age. She cringes a lot about this kind of things and Adam finds it amusing and cute, so they didn't decide on any pet name. She kind of eats her own words now by doing the opposites, although Adam knows the cause of it, he likes to tease Nea.

Nea let Adam go as she straightens her posture and probably her wild mind at this time, "Only this once." Nea quickly turns as she walks away from the dorm and Adam follows suit while grinning. "Oh man, I want to hear it again... Baby!" Nea flushes again, but she smiles and shaking her head to Adam's antics."

Adam makes Nea jumps a bit when he takes Nea's backpack and put it on his back quickly. He grasps Nea's hand as he smiles softly and leads Nea towards his car, hand in hand. Both of them are smiling to the ears as their heart thumps and beatings loudly to each other.


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