Chapter 34.

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[Nea's POV]

I look at the house or should I call a palace, no, it's an exaggeration, it's almost the same size as The Clark's house actually. It's big and it's full of students and outsiders probably, which I didn't actually recognize.

Some people are outside of the house, doing things which whatever I read in a book or see in a movie. I can't comprehend this thing and before I know it Sara is dragging me inside while the others are walking along.

This is so not my thing. Ughh, I don't feel so good.

"Hey, you okay?" Adam whispers really close to my ears because of the blasting music.

I nod instead because I know my voice won't be heard in this noise. Adam finds my eyes and he sighs in relief when he makes sure I'm okay.

I can't, shouldn't be a nuisance.

"Don't take any drinks or food given to you and don't wander around alone. I think I should stick with you instead. I mean.." Adam blabbers nonstop and I cut him off quickly by putting my hand at his chest, I can feel his heart is frantic.

"We've talked about this in the car. I'll be okay, don't worry. Just have fun." I said as I kiss him on the cheek and I can see Adam smile softly.

"I can't, not worrying about you, Nea. You know that." Adam ruffles my hair and I slap his hand for messing with my hair, but then I smile and nod at him.

A group of guys comes to drag Adam away and he tries to retaliate, not wanting to part from me. I slowly push him away, although I didn't want to. I feel a hand, hold onto my shoulder and I look at the person as I sigh in relief, Sara smiles.

"Go, I'll take care of her for you." Sara makes a hand signal for Adam to go and he yells at Sara as he's being dragged away, "Never leave her!"

"Come! Adam will kill me if I lose you." Sara said as she holds my hand and walks away.

"Where're the others? Kris and Leia?" I yell a bit so that Sara heard me.

"They are all over the place. I think I saw Leia met her friends, same goes to Kris." Sara answered me and she stops to a group of girls, Lizzy smile and she introduces me to their friends. All of them are beautiful and they are kind too. 

I saw a big swimming pool outside as I look around the backyard which is also huge. My eyes fall to a group of guys that hangs out near the pool and I saw Luke laughing with his friends. I stare at Luke as I remember the day at the mall when he breakdown and I feel guilty.

"Is he okay now?" I mutter and a hand grasps mine as I automatically look at the person, Leia smile and says, "Let's dance!" 

"No, no, no. I don't dance." I pull my hand back, but Sara and Lizzy already pushed me to the living room that is full of people jumping and dancing to the loud music. I give in as they dance around me and I saw their happy faces, but I don't want to be a party pooper so I said to them I'll wait at the side.

My eyes don't leave the girls, I don't know what holds me, but I just don't enjoy this, crowds of people and loud music. I feel suffocated and I put my hand on my chest as I try to breathe normally.

"Aryn?" I heard my name and my head whipped to Luke who's striding towards me, "Are you okay?". Luke holds my shoulder slowly and he looks around, "Where's Adam?"

I can't seem to answer him and he looks at me worriedly, "Let's get out of here, it's suffocating for you." Luke holds my wrist as he dragged me outside near the pool.

"Wait here for a minute." Luke runs inside fast and in about a minute he comes back holding a cup of water for me.

I shake my head, remembering what Adam told me, but Luke puts it in my hand, "It's just water, trust me. I know you don't drink."

I forgot that he knows me inside and out.

I nod as I gulp down the water in one breath, "Thank you."

"Do you need more?" Luke sits in front of me as he looks at my pale face and I shake my head.

"This is not your thing, why are you here?" Luke asks after we've been silent for a while but I didn't answer.

"Did he force you to be here?" Luke's voice sounds strained.

"No.. No, I decided to tag along," I say while looking at him.

Luke sighs as he rakes his hair the back, "Where is he anyway? I can't believe he left you alone when this is your first party."

"How do you know this is my first party? I could have been going to numerous in those 2 years, so you won't have a clue." I say questioningly to him but he smirks at me.

"If this is not your first, you won't be like this Aryn. If this is not your first, you might've just enjoyed this but you're not. And I know you can't stand crowds of people so you, of all people, wouldn't be at any party. I know you better and you can't lie to me, Aryn." Luke sits back as he smiles evilly.

I rolled my eyes at him and he laughs, making me laugh too at the moment. I try to find Adam, but nowhere to be seen. I saw Noah and William in one of the rooms by the window, but Adam is not anywhere near so I give up.

"You can just leave Luke, your friend will be waiting for you. I'll be okay." I assure Luke to leave me, despite my own heart will not be at ease if I'm alone, but I can't be selfish.

"No, I won't leave you. My friends are okay, they probably have fun already. I'm not actually into this kind of thing too, but I don't know what made me come here tonight. Now I know why." Luke's eyes pierce mine and I look away quickly.

"This house is enormous." I change the subject as I scan the house from the bottom to the higher floor. My eyes and my heart stopped at two people on a balcony in one of the rooms on the second floor. 

I saw Sharlene and Adam. They are talking and Sharlene's eyes fall on me as she smirks. She makes her way towards Adam as she put a hand on Adam's shoulder. I gulped down air as I follow her action. I saw Adam push her slowly but she didn't give up as she put her hand on Adam's shoulder again. This time she moves quickly to kiss Adam and I stand up abruptly, avoiding the scene.

I put a hand on my heart and I can see my hand trembling. Luke is now standing in front of me, he says something, but I can't hear him at all, it's as if I'm deaf. I push him away as I run quickly towards the house, but the crowds suddenly come in front of me and they are all running to the pool.

I can't remember anything except for the fact that I was pushed and fall into the pool with the crowds. I try to swim up but the pool is big and deep, I can't swim so I kept on falling deeper and deeper. At that moment I saw a flash of things that happened until now. I don't know if I regret all of my choices, I wonder while my eyes closed and I fall to the depth of the pool.


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