Chapter 29.

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Winter Date

[Nea's POV]

Waking up in Adam's arms is the most peaceful feeling for me lately. I don't know what is this feeling yet, but I know I'm happy even just by hearing his voice. I look at Adam's sleeping face and I smile softly.

This is the guy that said not to expect love from him on the day we got married. I don't know what happen but, somehow I feel that we're like any married couple, or not. I am happy with how we are now, but I can't stop expecting much more in this relationship. I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop my heart.

I recalled the things that Sara told me yesterday, about the girl that is crazy about Adam. I know girls nowadays can be extreme, but I truly hope this Sharr girl is not like how I think she is. I stare at Adam's face and I saw his freckles, his pointy nose, and his brown eyes. 

Oh sh**! He's awake!

"Is there something on my face?"

I shake my head profusely unable to talk due to my rapid heartbeat. Adam chuckles and he leans in, his face is a few inches from mine. I can feel his hot breath on my cheek and I can't take it anymore, this crazy heart beating. I push him with all my might and Adam falls to the floor, "Ughh."

I quickly sit up on the bed and I see Adam's unconscious. "Oh my, Adam." I stand up and sit next to him on the floor, I check his breathing and shakes his body roughly, "Oh my god, what did I do?". I try to wake him up a few times, but he doesn't respond. I can feel my tears start pooling in my eyes.

I heard the boys talking outside, I quickly try to stand up to ask them for help. As I about to turn the doorknob, I was pulled back and I fall on top of Adam. He opens his eyes and smiles mischievously at me, "It's not good to push people"

I feel relief and my tears start to fall on Adam's face and slow sobs came out. He began to panic as he touches my face, "What's wrong? Oh no, don't cry." Adam hugs me tightly while stroking my hair, to calm me down. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

I calm down after about 10 minutes in Adam's hug and I look at his face. He looks at me guiltily, "Are you okay?". 

I nod slowly, "I'm sorry for pushing you away."

Adam shakes his head, "It's okay, I understand."

What did you understand?

Adam smile, "Want to go on a date with me today?"

My eyes widen and I gasp, "A date?"

"Yeah, we've never been on a date before, so will you be my date today Nea?" Adam says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

I nod excitedly as I smile widely, "I will!". Adam laugh and I can feel my body shakes with him since I'm still on top of him.

"So can you get off of me now to get ready for it, or I might want to reconsider the date so we both might spend time in this room instead." Adam smile and I can see his eyes turn to mischief.

I quickly get up and on my feet as my face turns to blush because I know what he meant. Adam stands and he ruffles my messy hair before he goes out of the room.

Adam Nicholas Clark is such a tease!


I decided to wear a cream-colored wool long sleeve with blue-black jeans and a green colored coat. I tie my hair up so that it won't be messy and I put on a bit of makeup, a lip balm and face powder. I left a few of my clothes in Adam's closet so that it will be easier whenever I want to a sleepover. Adam's already ready as he's making breakfast for me in the kitchen. 

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