Chapter 52.

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Apologizing and Forgiving

[Nea POV]

The weekend has come and I can only let out a nervous sigh. I knew I made a mistake, an unforgivable one. I should face whatever things that come as soon as I'm back at home, but I just can't stop being nervous and scared at some point.

A hand slips into mine and grasps it, giving me warm. My eyes fall to our intertwine hands and then I look at the one who's holding it, my other half, the one that made my heart go crazy and my husband. 

My eyes trail Adam's face, from his dark brown hair to the corner of his eyes, nose, cheekbones and his lips. I smile softly and I didn't realize that my hand is touching his face, by now.

"Urmm.. baby?" Adam says and I nodded, "Not that I didn't like this, but we've guests."

I snapped back to reality as I turn my head to the back seat passenger, William, and Kris. William is trying hard to cover his eye and Kris is grinning at me, and I can feel my face blushes as I quickly cover it with my own hands, "Shit!"

"Again, baby? You're giving me a lot of heart attack these days. I'm still getting used to you swearing by now." Adam said and I hit him on the shoulder while Kris and William are laughing at the back.

"Yeah, Nea's getting a bit wilder after she's back at BU. I kept getting hit by her." Kris whine and William checks her body of any injury.

"You shouldn't hit people Nea... Its.." William mutters, but he stopped when I turn around and glare at him, "God! Your wife is scary Adam! I want the old Nea, the sweet and shy Nea." 

I can't hold my laugh anymore, William is such a softie and he's the one who keeps helping me since the day I got married to Adam. 

"Okay, Will, just stop it." I said in between laughing and William stands up to give me a peck on my cheek, "That's the Nea that I know. Welcome back!"

I quickly look around and see the hometown that I missed a lot and my nervous cell starts again, and I can feel my hand, shaking. Luckily, it's the hand that is holding on to Adam and he's gripping it and bring both of our hands to his lips and then to his chest, "Relax, Everything will be fine. I'll be there for you." I nodded as I let out a big sigh and smile softly.


We arrived at the Clark's family mansion in the afternoon and I'm still astonished as usual while looking at the mansion, which has been my home for almost a year and a half already. I was getting out of the house when the front door opened and came out two screaming girls and they both jump at me, making me startled.

"You bit**! How could you just leave like that?! Why didn't you come to confide in us like always and decided to just run away?!" Leia yells and I know she didn't mean any harm because her voice is cracking and I can her sniffles from both of them.

"You're bad Nea! Didn't you consider me as your sister? You make me sad and also Adam, and a lot of people, actually." Sara said and Adam tries to stop her, but I wave him off to just let them blow it off.

"I'm sorry. I know it won't cut out what I've done, but I really am sorry." I pull away and wipe their tears away and then hug them back. Both of them nodded and they let me go as I am now facing Mr. and Mrs. Clark. 

I can feel my steps turned heavy and my eyes are pooling with unshed tears. Adam quickly stands by my side and holds my shoulder to support me as I walk towards his parents. 

"Umm Mum.. and Dad. I'm sor.." I stutter almost hyperventilate at the scene when suddenly I am in Mrs. Clark's embrace.

"No need to say anything. You're back, that matters the most to me. Thank you for coming back Nea." Mrs. Clark says to my ears and I finally let out a sob as I can feel my heart became light again. Mr. Clark joins in the hug and ushers the others to do it, making a big hug between us. 

Thank you, thank you so much for forgiving me.


I stand in front of my old house with Adam and I blink twice at him. He said he's bringing me to meet my family, although it's not a guarantee that they won't kill me.

"What are we doing here? Adam, it's other people's house for god sake, let's go. I love that you wanted to go down my memory lane, but this is not the time." I pull Adam away and he stopped me as he looks at me.

"This is your house baby." Adam nodded and his eyes don't look like he lied.

"No way, haha funny. There's no way...Holy shit!" I turn around as I laugh at his joke and I was perplexed when I see my parents is standing at the front door.

I can feel my tears pooling in my eyes, but I didn't budge from my spot. Literally, because they both are standing with their hands on their hips and their face is so not smiling or warm like I remember before. Adam pushes me and I shake my head profusely.

"No no no no... Don't! they will kill me. Please, Adam!" I whisper, but loud enough for him to hear and he chuckles.

"No, they'll not. If anything, I'll protect you, don't worry come." Adam said and is now pulling me while I'm trying to pull back, hard enough to make Adam almost stumbles.

"Nea Aryn Clark, you get your pretty ass here right now!" Mum's voice is loud and clear as I stopped in my attempts to run. I turn around slowly and I bit my bottom lips as I look at Adam who's now looking at me apologetically.

I walk slowly towards them and I keep my head down even after I arrived in front of them. I breathe in and waited to be spanked or get hit by my mum, especially. But, I was given a hug instead and my eyes widen at it.

"I can't believe you're my daughter, instead of fights you decided to run away. It's cowardice, and so not like me, I thought you're the one that resembles me the most! I'm so mad, but I miss you so much, honey!" My tears stream down my face as I hug her tightly and mutters my apologies for a thousand times for this whole week. Dad comes to hug me and mum as he's calming both of us with his warm hugs.

I glance at Adam who's now stroking my back to calm me down and I mouthed, 'Thank you' and he places a kiss on my forehead for his reply as he smiles.

My tears and apologies are the ones that has kept getting out of me for today and I can totally feel my heavy heart getting lighter by every bit of those two gettings out of me all day long. 


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