Chapter 24.

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[Adam POV]

It's finally Christmas, Mum decided to have a big dinner party with only close family and friends invited. I am sitting in my room, playing games while Nea is listening to music and play candy crush on my phone. I am sitting on the bed while she seated on the floor with her head leaning to my thigh. 

I glance at Nea who's intently staring outside that is full of white snow. I put my hand on top of her head and make a rhythmic move with my finger. She looks up and my brown eyes meet her blue eyes. She turns around and puts her chin on my thigh slightly and sigh.

"Why?" I put down the console on the bed and my focus solely on her.

"I'm bored. Mum doesn't want my help, Sara is out with Lucas. My family didn't reply to my chats and the same goes to my friends. So, I'm bored to death." She sighs loudly this time and I chuckle to her cuteness. She plays with her cheeks, making air balloons inside it so her cheek turns puffy.

"Want to go for a drive?" I tap my finger on her head slowly.

Her eyes widen at my suggestion. I swear that I saw her eyes twinkle as she smiles brightly.

"Really?? For real?" She's up on her knees as she grasps my hand excitedly.

I chuckle "Yeah, of course. Why would I lie?"

She suddenly hugs me and I hold my breath to her suddenness. I slowly hug her back as she bounces happily. 

"You better get your coat and scarf now, before I change my mind and we might spend time here instead If you know what I mean."

She let me go quickly as she made a slow yelp and run towards the dressing room. I laugh loudly as I stand up to get my coat and other things. She comes back wearing her coat, which Sara and Leia pick for her the other day when they went shopping and the scarf is in her hand, struggling to wear it. 

I shake my head and help her put on her scarf properly. One thing I have learned about Nea these few days together is that she can't handle cold, although she loves the winter season. She tends to fall sick easily in this season. 

"Where's your beanie?"

"I don't think I need it." She said trying to assure me, but I lean down to match her eye level and I said "Not a chance young lady, you better go get it now. We might go for a walk outside later."

She smiles again and went to get her beanie as I wait for her at the door. When she comes back and walks past me, I put my hand on her lower back as usual whenever we go out.

Both of us walk downstairs, Nea's a bit light on her feet since she's happy. Another thing that I learn about Nea is she is easy to please. I mean even by getting to eat her favorite foods, which practically is everything, can make her in a cloud nine.

"Going out?" Mum asks while flipping the food magazine in her hands, which she had lots of it in our library. 

"Yepp, taking Nea out for a drive," I say as I hold her hands, intertwining with mine.

Dad is looking at both of us with a smile, "Be safe, drive carefully. Better be back before dinner."  

Nea and I nod as we walk out of the house towards my Ford Explorer. She sits in the passenger seat comfortably as she turns on the radio, but quickly turns to Bluetooth options as she plays songs from her Spotify. She already knows everything about my car by now and comfortably singing the songs as she looks outside.

I hold her hand with my free hand as I drive slowly. Nea slides down the window as she put her other free hand out of the window, feeling the cold, but not long after she put it back in and slide back up the window. 

"It's so cold!"

"I thought you didn't know." Sarcastically I replies and got her glare instead.

"Where are we going?" 

"My secret place."

"Ooohh, the hottest guy in Crestshaw got a secret place. Mehh, It's cliche." Nea replies back to my sarcasm just now.

Ohh, this is a new Nea.

"Well, if it's cliche, we can turn back home now." I shrug her off and turn on the signal to make a u-turn.

"No! No, no! I'm sorry, it is cliche but I want to see it...Your secret place."

"Behave then." I shoot her a naughty look and she gives a salute, making me smiles.


After about an hour and 30 minutes drive, we arrived at a secluded forest, almost out of the town. Both of us got out of the car, and I can see Nea scans the surroundings and she had with her a protective look.

I slide my arm in hers, intertwining our hands and smile "Come one, everything will be fine. I'm here aren't I?"

Nea smiles softly and nods, walking side by side with me.

 "Not many people know this place, not even the guys or the girls (His friends and sisters). Usually, I come here alone, to get some peace."  I say as I guide Nea through some rough path.

"Not even Emily?" Nea says softly but I catch her voice.

She seems to compare herself a lot with Emily. It's like her mind care that Emily existed in my past, but she didn't want to be open about it.

"Not even her." I can see Nea smiles though she tries to hide it by pulling up her scarf.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived at the destinations. Nea's face lights up to see the white forest, it's near the cliff and we can see the town clearly from here.

"It's magnificent. It's so white!"

Yeah, Nea Aryn Lee's favorite color is white, she loves everything that is white in color.

"I'm glad you like it." I pull Nea to sit on a big rock that I have already put a blanket on it.

Nea leans her head on my shoulder and I lean mine on her head. We talk and talk for almost an hour, and then we both headed home for dinner. Nea looks contented and she has a happy face throughout the day. My heart feels at ease whenever she's happy. 

During dinner, she looks beautiful and over the rainbow when her family arrived. When all of us exchange gifts after dinner, her happy expression is still plastered on her face. I remembered the events a few days ago after we went home that day, she looks exhausted and emotionally drained. I didn't bug her about it, instead, I stayed by her side through the night. 

I don't know what happened between her and Luke, but if she doesn't want to talk about it, I won't push her. The same goes for Nea, she didn't push me about Emily, although sometimes she compared herself with Emily but, I know she didn't mean any harm. I'm still in the process of learning about Nea, the same goes to her. This step by step is new to me, but somewhere in my heart, I feel contented about it.

I'm hoping I can get to know you better as time goes by, Nea.


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