Twenty Questions

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A month or so has gone by and Josh has seemingly made his way in to your group of friends. There was just something about him that made him seemingly adorable, and his voice wasn't all that bad to listen to either. He managed to slowly open up and thus far you've discovered he's 29 and lives in Ohio. You still took Noah's word of advice in to consideration and didn't drag on to Josh about how Josh Dun, too, was seemingly from Ohio and about his age. Well, not about. Josh Dun *was* 29. Oddly enough so was Sentimental, which you brought up with Noah when you both were eating at McDonald's after getting out of Chemistry that night.

"So...I've been thinking," you begin.

"Yes?" Noah asks, taking a sip of his Coke.

"You know Sentimental?" you ask.

"...yes? I introduced him to the group, after all" Noah replies.

"And you knew his name was Josh and he was from Ohio?" you ask, leaning closer over the table.

"Oh Lord, Y/N. What are you on about?" he asks seemingly annoyed.

"Alright bare with me. Josh Dun is from Ohio. Sentimental is from Ohio and also named Josh..." you start.

"And you think just because some random person on the internet that we've come across who is named Josh and lives in Ohio is automatically Josh Dun from Twenty One Pilots?" he asks.

"FIRST UP, don't cut me off. SECOND UP, let me finish. So, Josh is from Ohio and is 29...just like Dun. He's oddly had enough time to be online, which, ironically would make sense since Twenty One Pilots is currently on hiatus," you theorize.

"...and?" Noah asks.

"That's all I got," you say while swirling a french fry in ketchup.

"You're insane," Noah laughs.

You roll your eyes before responding, "look it took me an ass of courage to speak up about this and I trust in you to not share it with anyone. I know it's a long shot but I have my suspicions."

"Alright...and what if it were in fact Joshua Dun? Hm?" he asks with a slight smirk on his lips.

"You know something I don't, don't you Noah?" you say with shock.

"What?" Noah asks genuinely confused.

"IT IS Josh Dun isn't it!" you say in a louder voice than hoped for.

"Y/N. I don't know who the fuck this dude is or what he's about. I met him online and we chill while playing Fortnite or CS:GO. I didn't care to ask him his background information or hobbies" Noah replies with attitude.

You sigh and sit quietly for a moment. Maybe he's right, perhaps you are just taking things out of hand and overthinking what some random person on the internet is or what they're doing. You couldn't fathom the thought of a person online stalking you just because you shared small similarities with one person from your favorite band.

"I guess you're right, maybe I'm just letting my fandom spiral out of control and acting crazy," you admit.

"It's okay. I know how much you love Twenty One Pilots. I'm just saying that there are a ton of Josh's in the world who are 29, and there's bound to be ones that live in Ohio including the one you like a lot. Just, don't freak out over it or make it known to him, okay? We're all friends in the server and I don't want a weird atmosphere to be made because of a random guy in a band who you think is in our friends group" Noah says, touching your hand.

"Alright, I guess you're right" you say.

"I know I am" he says while laughing.

"Shut up. Look I'm almost done with my food," you say after taking the last bite of your burger. "Are you ready to head home and play with the guys?"

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