Surprise Meeting

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As promised, you waited up for Josh each night and played games with the other. On occasion, Noah, Ben, and Alex would try to join in but mostly it consisted of just you both. It was a new habit after a few weeks of doing so that you'd call him or he'd call you when the time rolled around to being 12:00am, since that was about the time their shows ended each night while Tyler and him were on tour.

You both were growing closer each night as friends, and from the looks of things it was escalating past that. You just didn't want to mention to him at all that his ass had said twice now that he was Joshua Dun. If you were to bring it up, the chance of him thinking you'd stuck around only because he was who he was could happen, and that terrified you. We all know that you grew invested with him before you even knew he was in your favorite band, and he was the most amazing, genuine, sweet person you'd ever met. Even Noah and the other guys were taking notice.

Noah decided that since everyones schedules had shifted due to work, school, and other side items that he wanted to attempt to have everyone meet up as a surprise for you. It was generally you and Josh who weren't able to get on and game at the same time with the others each night, so what better way to do so than by having Alex, Ben, and Josh surprise you at your house? Around the same time of the concert was when fall break was happening so it was the perfect time to try and plan around it. You were away at work, and no one was quite sure as to where Josh was, so the guys tried messaging him. It was pretty early in the evening and he usually wasn't on, but they thought they'd give it a go at contacting him. Lucky them, because he was just finishing up rehearsing with Tyler for concert in Boston in a few hours.

"Hey you three," Noah said to the guys.

"What's up?" Alex asked.

"So I have an idea," Noah began. "Now, hear me out on this one..."

"Go on..." Josh said curiously.

"So, fall break is coming up during the same week as the Twenty One Pilots concert. That means we should all have time off from school, and it's early enough to ask for time off work...I was thinking...since we're never able to get on and game together as much, why don't we meet up and surprise Y/N with everyone being together?!" Noah asked cheerfully.

"Oh my God...that would be amazing," Ben said enthusiastically.

"Agreed! What day/time?" Alex said with equal excitement.

"Why don't we surprise her after the concert? Her and I would make it back to her house, and then when she opens the door BAM! Ben, Alex, Josh." Noah suggested.

"YES!" Alex and Ben screamed at the same time.

"Josh, what about you? Are you in?" Noah asked with excitement.

Oh fuck. Josh thought to himself.

"Uh I'll have to see about finances and such..." he lied. He'd literally be right there in the same area as them that exact night. He was too afraid of committing and then ruining their friendship with now not only you, but the other three.

"Alright. If you can, let us know. She's going to be so freaking pumped. Remember, don't say anything to her about it. It's a surprise." Noah said, and with that the get together was set.

"How many more days 'til the show?" Ben asked.

"About 14," he said matter-of-factly.

Oh my God that's so soon...Josh thought.

"I'm ready and counting down the days." Ben cheered.

"We'll see what we can do about getting you here, Josh. Okay?" Noah said reassuringly.

"Thanks," Josh said in a fake relief filled response.

"I can't imagine the look on her face," Alex said.

"Same!!!" Noah cheered.

"I gotta get going guys to get ready for work...I'll talk to you later," Josh said in an attempt to slip out of the conversation and relax his nerves before he had a panic attack.

"Alright, let us know if you can come as soon as possible!" Alex semi-shouted.

"W-will do," Josh stuttered before leaving the Discord call.



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