I'm His

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As it geared towards the later end of the night, everyone asked for suggestions on what you recommended to do in your state.

"Well, we have a little dance club a few blocks from here. Want to go?" you suggested.

"That sounds like it'd be fun!" Jenna said.

"You seem to forget though babe..." Josh said pointing at himself and Tyler.

"Well...I mean it's a low lit club. It'd be kinda hard to see your faces and such unless someone was RIGHT UP next to you," you said trying to help support your cause.

"I mean I'm down," Alex said.

"Are you sure?" Tyler asked you. "We're not gonna have to deal with people slamming us for being...us?" he asked.

"Well I mean there's always that potential, but I don't think you'd have to worry about that at this specific club," you said reassuringly.

"Alright, if you say so," Josh said as you all made your way out of the house, walking towards your car.
Even you couldn't lie that there were a few people that noticed Tyler and Josh's famous faces and were a little surprised when you walked by in line. Making your way in through the doors, you led your group to the dance floor.

"I love this song!" Jenna said as Everytime We Touch by Cascada played through the speakers.

"Me too!!!" you cheered as you started dancing with her.

"We're gonna go grab some drinks," Alex yelled over the music with Tyler, Josh, and Ben following behind him. You and Jenna continued dancing to the music and having a good time together. Shortly after, Josh made his way towards you holding a drink and handing it to you (does he remember I'm 20 and NOT 21?). It tasted and looked like an Apple Martini, and damn was it good.

"Thank you dear," you said, kissing Josh's cheek as you began loosening up from the alcohol. You handed him $20 asking him for another, which he was a bit hesitant to do but did so anyway as he got you another.

"Don't go too fast," he warned.

"I'm not, I promise," you said sipping the drink while continuing to dance. Josh wasn't one to drink very much, so he only had a single beer. It did not come close to having the same alcohol content as the one and a half drinks you had just downed. As your became more tipsy you were spilling your drink, so Josh grabbed it from you and finished it off so you didn't keep making a mess.

You were both laughing and dancing, grinding up on one another and feeling the heat rise as you two rubbed against the other. When you turned around you caught glimpse of another girl trying to get up on him.

"Excuse me, he's taken," you said.

"I don't see a ring," the girl hissed while putting her arms around his neck, Josh laughing.

"You're finna see a boxing ring if you don't get off of him," you warned.

The girl reached up to try and kiss him before she was greeted with your fist meeting up with her jaw.

"Told you," you spat back at her. "Hands off my fucking boyfriend," you said as the girl tried getting herself up off the dance floor.

Josh was floored at what you said, pulling you off to the side to talk to you.

"What are you doing?!" he asked.

"What! She was all over you," you said with a small slur.

"You're drunk," Josh said with an annoyed look on his face.

"I am not drunk," you said, swaying onto the wall.

"Are too," he said rolling his eyes.

"I am tipsy, yes. I am not drunk though." you said, him scoffing for a response.

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