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A/N: The form of relief I discuss is my personal usage for my depression. I'm not stating it is the right thing to do or not do, but it's what I personally utilize when having depressive episodes, so don't come at me trying to say my coping mechanism is right or wrong. Thank you.

After last night, things began getting bad again. Not among you and your friends, but mentally. Depression and anxiety were far from letting up on you, and it began taking its toll. You were familiarized with the symptoms and how to combat the horrible thoughts and urges though, thankfully.

Step one involved isolating yourself from others. Sure it wasn't the most beneficial thing to do, but it kept you from spreading your negativity to others (you felt) and it helped give you some time to spend on yourself. This was exactly what you'd done for almost two weeks. That in itself made you feel more in control of your depression. Next thing involved the one item that helped you most: music.

After getting home from work and taking a shower, you changed in to your favorite pajamas: some fluffy Little Mermaid pants, your Twenty One Pilots Emotional Roadshow concert t-shirt from 2017, and bright pink Hello Kitty socks that showed her with little limes next to her. Not sure who the designer was for the socks, but they were cute to you nonetheless. You walked over to your laptop and turned it on opening up your Spotify and clicked 'play'. Instantly your room filled with your favorite familiar voice of Tyler Joseph which wrapped you in a bed of comfort and security from your depression.

Now the night is coming to an end,

The sun will rise, and we will try again.

Stay alive, stay alive for me

Turning back around you made your way back to your bed, wrapping yourself up in blankets and ensuring you were comfy before grabbing your phone. Looks like it was day 350 something of Twenty One Pilot's hiatus. Cool you think to yourself while rolling your eyes. You wish Tyler and Josh would come back, or at least say SOMETHING. Anything to let us know why they were gone. At the same time though, you understand just wanting to be left the hell alone. Right now was a prime example of that moment. The two worked hard while going on tour for three years straight and deserved a break after becoming well known among the general public. They deserved it, they really just wish you could see a selfie or two of Tyler and Josh's cute self or find Jenna posting a picture other than her culinary creations (which I'll admit...they looked good).

While you were left alone in your thoughts and comfort from the music, the guys were all online in Discord talking. Apparently when you listen to Spotify it shows up as a Discord status on your profile, and it even shows what song you're listening to if you hover over your profile icon. Josh did just that when seeing you pop online when you turned on your laptop.

"Have any of you guys heard from Y/N? She hasn't been on in a while," Josh asked.

"She's okay...if you would say," Ben replies.

"What does that mean?" Josh asks with mild concern.

"She's having problems with her depression right now," Alex says.

Josh felt his heart become heavy with him not having known you struggled with the mental torture that was depression before whispering a quiet, "Oh."

"Don't worry Sent, it's not personal. Ever since she was diagnosed in the fifth grade she goes and isolates herself while listening to music to help her out. She usually springs back within a week or so, and being as it's been almost three weeks she's bound to make an appearance soon," Noah said reassuringly. He was right, after all if anyone in the Discord were to know about you, it would be your own best friend.

" music, he means Twenty One Pilots. On repeat. Constantly." Ben says in a semi-annoyed tone.

"Hey, don't hate on Y/N for finding relief in a band that I thank God for each night during the times like this in her life," Noah spits.

" Twenty One Pilots mean a lot to her or something?" Josh asks in a shy tone.

Alex, Ben, and Noah lightly laugh together before Alex says, "that's an understatement, pal."

Josh felt a small lump appear in his throat upon finding out news that you were a massive fan to him and Tyler. He hadn't been told you were in to Twenty One Pilots or of any artist for that matter up until this point in time.

"I'm surprised she hasn't brought them up with you yet," Ben laughs.

"Ignore my brother. Yes, Y/N loves them. She breathes for them, and that's not a joke. She's been suicidal many of times in her life and every time she thanks them for their music. It's been said to us numerous times by her that if it weren't for their music she wouldn't be with us today. I'm not that in to their style of music, but because of her I am. I don't know what I'd do if we lost her," Alex says.

Noah didn't attempt to stop the two brothers from rambling on about your favorite band as he did with you. He knew when it came time for you to bring them up it'd be in a more hyped, excited, can't-shut-up way...but the way Alex stood up for you and talked about how much they meant to you in a compassionate way felt different for Noah. He didn't want to interrupt him.

"I had no idea," Josh said, his stomach filling with butterflies upon knowing how he and Tyler managed to help you out so much. He still remained surprised that he never heard you discuss them upon the almost five or six months of you two knowing each other. He couldn't help but have a smile come across his lips.



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