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The night ended around 3 a.m. and by that point everyone was tired. God knows you were of Josh's games he'd been pulling all night. Taking Alex's car, he drove you and Noah to the arena where the concert was held so Noah could get in his car again. You two left it there when you went to the hotel in the tour bus, after all.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Ben said.

"Alright, have fun tonight" Noah laughed. He and his brother booked a hotel room, but found out the hard way there was only one bed. At least they were brothers after all.

"Thankssssss," Alex said before driving off.

"So what the hell happened tonight?" Noah said as you both got in his car.

"Well, you know how you three dumb asses had the great idea of revealing to Josh that I had a fucking daddy kink?" you griped.

"...yes..." Noah said feeling guilty.

"THANK. YOU." you said, clapping between the two words.

He raised an eyebrow, asking you what you were on about.

"Ya girl is getting dominated by daddy Dun that's what," you said giggling.

"You and Josh Dun had sex?!" Noah nearly screamed.

"Oh God, no no no. I wish..." you said trailing off.

"Y/N. Back to earth." he said snapping his fingers.

"Ohhhhh, what." you asked.

"Don't you think maybe you two are moving a little too fast?" Noah asked with concern.

"I mean this dude is a drummer for a very well known band. Who's to say he doesn't meet up with random chicks all the time and fuck them then forget them?" he asked.

You felt your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach when reality hit that that could very well be the issue happening right now.

"I didn't think about that," you said, rubbing your neck where the small hickies he left were at.

"I'm not gonna tell you what you should or shouldn't do...but please be careful, okay Y/N?" he pleaded.

"Okay, I promise," you said, playing with the edges of your skirt.

"so..." Noah sighed. "Dun's got a daddy kink, huh?"

Your cheeks turned a bright red before nodding your head furiously with a huge grin.

"Oh, lord have mercy..." Noah said while face palming.

"Your fault, you shouldn't have said anything" you said.

"I didn't think it'd actually be Josh fucking Dun!" he replied while making an upset laugh.

"I tollllddd youuuuu," you teased at him.

"Whatever," he said, blatantly annoyed.

"What's wrong with you?" you asked.

"I just don't like him," he snapped.

You were surprised to see this side of Noah, especially after you told him how much you liked Josh since meeting him online even before knowing he was part of Twenty One Pilots.

"Why?" you asked.

"He seems like a tool bag," Noah said.

"You were friends with him before me for a while and didn't say things like this..." you trailed off.

"Yeah well things are different now," he responded.

"How so?" you wondered.

"Because. He's a fucking jack ass in some boy band," Noah began.

You were shocked to hear such hate spewing from his mouth over a person he said was great only a few months back. Pulling out your phone, you tried discreetly recording what he was saying about Josh.

"It's not just some boy band," you said, defending Twenty One Pilots.

"Yeah it fucking is," he yelled.

"Don't yell at me," you said, nerves beginning to form. You hadn't felt this way with Noah, ever. He was beyond mad, he was pissed.

"Then don't be so fucking blind and stupid," he replied.

Your face fell from fear to hurt as you unbuckled yourself from his seat.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm leaving," you said, reaching for the door handle as you were both at a stop light.

"No the fuck you aren't," he said, locking the doors.

"Put your seat belt on," he hissed.

"Don't tell me what to do," you warned.

"What are you gonna do about it?" he taunted.

You sat there quietly, waiting until he resumed on the gas and were in the middle of the city before grabbing the emergency break within the center console and causing his car to come to a screeching halt in traffic. You unlocked the car door and grabbed at the handle, immediately jumping out of the vehicle and running out in to oncoming traffic. Cars slammed on their breaks as they saw you running across the street making your way to a sidewalk. You stopped recording and went to dial Josh's number.

Josh answered in a groggy tone, it was obvious you woke him up from him being asleep. You were crying, which made him become more alert instantly.

"What's wrong?" he asked from the other end.

"I need you to come get me," you said while tears ran down your cheeks.

"Where are you?" he asked, jumping out of bed.

"I'm at [some intersection you live]" you replied.

"I'm on my way" Josh said, calling an Uber.

He could've called an Uber to get you and had them just drop you off, same as what you could've done in this instance with yourself, but you wanted to be with someone. You needed comfort and security, and that lied within one person and one person only; and that was the person making sure they could be in the same car as you to ensure you were safe.




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