My Blood

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Josh arrived and jumped out the back seat, running up to you to give you a hug as you slowly cried into his chest as he held you.

"Come on baby, let's get you cleaned up. Do you want to go to your place or the hotel?" he asked lightly while rubbing your back and resting his head on yours.

"I don't care, as long as I'm with you," you cried.

Josh worried about Noah doing something to you since he knew where you lived, so you both decided it was best to go to his hotel since it was luxury and security was higher than that of your own home.

He walked behind you into the hotel, and you were greeted to Tyler and Jenna who sat there with open arms. Literally.

"I'm so sorry baby girl," Jenna said wrapping her arms around you to hug you.

"I'm floored someone could do something like that to someone like you," Tyler said, hugging you as well. "I want you to know you're safe with us, okay?"

You nodded, wiping away tears from your cheeks.

" like Twenty One Pilots, hm?" Tyler asked with a smile.

"Y-yes," you said slightly laughing.

"Josh said so...want me to play you a song he picked out for you?" Tyler asked crouching down to your level to make eye contact.

You looked over at Josh with a questioned look. He smiled with a slight blush.

"Oh you don't have's almost 3 a.m." you said.

"We're normally up until this time, even later," Josh laughed.

"A-are you s-s-sure?" you said, sniffling.

"Of course baby doll," Josh said kissing your cheek.

Josh grabbed a spare set of drum sticks and utilized the kitchen counter top as a sort of make shift drum set while Tyler had brought over his ukulele from his hotel room next door.

"We gotta work with what we have, don't you giggle," Josh teased.

Tyler started strumming his ukulele, while Josh chimed in on his 'drums' in the kitchen.

"When everyone you thought you knew
Deserts your fight,
I'll go with you.
You're facing down a dark hall,
I'll grab my light and go with you," Tyler sang.

Tears started forming yet again in your eyes as you looked over at Josh who was grinning at the counter top.

"Oh Joshie," you said smiling and laughing. Jenna walked over towards you, grabbing your hands and trying to get you to dance.

"I'll go with you, I'll go with you, I'll go with you.
Surrounded and up against the wall,
I'll shred 'em all, and go with you.
When choices end, you must defend,
I'll grab my bat-"

"and go with youuuuuu, I'll go with you, I'll go with youuuuu, I'll go with you," you and Jenna sang together.

"Stay with me, no, you don't need to run,
Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run.

Stay with me, no, you don't need to run,

Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run.
Sing it Y/N!" Tyler cheered.

"If there comes a day, people posted up at the end of your driveway

They're calling for your head and they're calling for your name,

I'll bomb down on 'em I'm coming through," you sang shaking your hips with Jenna.

At this point, all four of you were singing along and laughing.

"Did they know I was grown with you?

If they're here to smoke know I'll go with you,

Just keep it outside, keep it outside, yeah,"

Continuing until the end you, Josh, Tyler, and Jenna were enjoying yourselves in the living room of Josh's hotel. Everyone laughed and sang until you were in better spirits. By the time you were all done, it was 4 a.m.

"Ty and I are gonna head over to our room and wind down for the night," Jenna said, rubbing her hand on Tyler's chest.

"Okay," you said smiling. "Thank you for everything tonight, you guys."

"Anytime. We know how much you mean to Josh, and therefore you mean even more to us. Just like you said to me about Tyler and Twenty One Pilots," Jenna said, giving you an additional hug.

"I love you guys," you said.

"We love you, too," Josh said as he kissed your lips. It felt like sparks flew from your face when Josh kissed you.

"See you guys," Tyler said following behind Jenna and closing the door to the hotel suite.

"I'm getting pretty tired," you said to Josh.

"Bedroom is this way, princess," he said taking his hand in yours and leading you. Butterflies filled your stomach and he called you nicknames and embraced your touch.

"I still have all of my clothes down in the tour bus, let me go grab some things and I'll bring you a set of clothes. Everything is in the bathroom if you wanted to shower. I have all my shampoo, soap, toothpaste, deodorant and what not in there if you want to use them." he said.

"and smell like a boy?!" you laughed.

"You don't have to, I was just saying," he smiled.

"I'll just sleep like this, it's okay," you said.

"You think sleeping in a skirt with thigh highs and a crop top is going to be comfy?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

"I can make it work," you said moving the blankets to sit in bed.

"Here. Just take this," Josh said, undressing.

Your eyes grew wide as he took off his shirt and basketball shorts, exposing his perfect chest and well fitted Calvin Klein boxers. He saw your mouth slightly open before closing it shut as you noticed him look at you. It made him laugh as he tossed the clothes at you and you went to the bathroom to change. You came out in his clothes which were super baggy from him being so much taller than you. It looked cute though.

"Wow, you're adorable," he said giggling and patting the bed side next to him.

"Come cuddle with me," he said reaching his arms out towards you, which you happily did.

"Thank you for taking care of me Joshie," you said, laying your head on his bare chest.

"Anything for you, Y/N," he said wrapping his arm around you and kissing the top of your head.

You wrapped your arms around his torso and listened to his heartbeat which made falling asleep almost 10x faster than before. He sat there playing with your hair as you eventually dozed off for the night.



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