Shopping Time

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This has got to be the worst decision of my life. Let me brake this down.
12pm - still at the house.
"I'M LEAVING IN FIVE MINUTES AND IF YOUR ARE NOT IN THE CAR BY THEN IM GOING WITHOUT YOU" I scream at the top of my lungs from the bottom of the stairs. Most of the boys are upstairs running around like headless chickens. "Where's my shoes?" "Where's my black top?" "Dougie get off Harry's face!" "Harry get off Dougie" "Danny stop filming them and get dressed" This went on for about ten more minutes before I screamed I was leaving now without them all. Charlie. Amazing Charlie had been ready way before we were meant to be going and was laughing his head off beside me. I turned to him and say, "What are you laughing at?" He turns to me and flashes a cheeky smirk my way, "You. You're hilarious and cute when you're mad" before winking and walking out of the house towards my black BMW X5. Then the hooves started. The stampede of elephants that was my brother and my mates all running down the stairs.

12:30- in the car
Finally on the road. In the car with me was Charlie, James, Frankie and Dougie (we took Doug so Tom could have some peace instead of listening to Danny and Harry fight with him in the back). James, Frankie and Dougie decided the best way to spend the trip to the shopping centre was.... By listening to Barbie Girl by Aqua... On repeat. Yes and somehow they have managed to block me out of my own car sat-nav and radio computer on the dash. Don't ask how cause I don't know and I've pressed every button on the bloody thing and nothing is working. Charlie's ready to rip his ears off and as much as I love the song it's fine once in a while not five times in a row with the sixth time starting. "That's it!" I pull over and Tom and Steve both pulling their cars over. I got out and walked over to Tom's Hyundai. "Tell Dougie and James to stop fucking with my car computer system" I say. Tom looks at me with wide eyes, "How the hell did the hack a car navigation system?" "I don't know but Tom, Charlie and I are ready to drive the car a fucking bridge. We've had to listen to those three eejits sing along to Barbie Girl on repeat. I can't Tom. I can't." As soon as I said Barbie Girl, the boys were in stitches laughing. I suppose if I was in their position I'd be laughing too but I'm ready to have a meltdown and I haven't gone shopping yet.

2 pm - cereal ailse
After Tom managed to calm down the karaoke session, we got back on the road and made it to the shopping centre. We parked up the three jeeps (IM5 and 1D had to leave after breakfast this morning some press tour for IM5 and recording for 1D I think) and headed in to Tesco.
The boys spent the whole time running about bar Charlie who actually decided he'd help me (thank god for small miracles) and Frankie, well I don't know where she went something about clothes or bags or something. Charlie and I managed to get most of our shopping down with relatively no interruptions as I just wanted to get the shop as quickly as I could. That was until the cereal ailse. Harry and Danny decided to have a fight over what cereal I have to buy for them.
Danny ~ "Coco Pops or I'll die"
Harry ~ "Shredded Wheat or I'll lose my abs"
This went on for about fifteen minutes until Dougie decided he'd get into the game.
Dougie ~ "Rice Krispies can't be bought at all cause when they snap, crackle and pop they die", he says in the most serious tone of voice with these huge vulnerable eyes.
I look at Charlie, who's holding onto the trolley to try keep himself up he's laughing that hard, and say to him "is this really happening to me?", which causes him to laugh like a loon and go red from lack of air.
"Quiet you three. Fine Harry put in two boxes of Shredded Wheat. Danny two boxes of Coco Pops. Don't worry Dougie no Rice Krispies. One large box of cornflakes, one box of frosties, two boxes of curiously cinnamon and one box of Rice Krispies shapes. No Dougie they don't snap, crackle or pop so they don't die." There I breathed a sigh of relief. Now to the till.

4pm - route home.
After I paid for all my items and surprisingly got everyone settled enough to help back the bags and the jeeps, we were off. This time I made sure I had Charlie, Matt, James and Frankie of course in the car with me. "How's the new band going James?" Asks Charlie, as if he's scared to know. "Ehh not too good to be honest. We've all kinda drifted a bit getting our own pieces of work to do. I don't think we'll stay together it's sorta hard at the moment" replies James. It hurts to hear that cause I know how excited he was when he told me about the band at first, but I suppose that was two years ago and I didn't get to meet them before now with college and exams. Just as Charlie went to reply my phone started blaring
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt..." "What the fuck?!! Who changed my ringtone???!!!!" I noticed caller ID Harry sexy man Judd. Thank god for car Bluetooth. I answer my hands free and yell "Harry Judd why the hell did you change my ringtone?" "Cause that song suits me" "Why are you calling?" "We want McDonald's. We need it. We yearn for it." " yearn for McDonald's?" "Yes that's what I just said. Were gonna die of starvation if you don't get us to McDonald's" I know he's only doing this cause they spotted it on the way to town. I look at Charlie and in my mirror and say "what about yous do you yearn for McDonald's?" They all nod. "Fine Harry take the orders text me them and go yous home I'll be behind yous". And I hang up. Five seconds later the text came in from the two jeeps. They had obviously been planning this before they called me great. I pulled into the drive through and ordered:
Big Mac 6
Mcfillet 2
Texas 1
Louisiana 1
Nugget happy meal 3
Burger happy meal 1
Chilli chicken wrap 2
14 chips
1 salad
Coke 8
Fanta 3
Sprite 1
Milkshake 2
Sparkling water 1
10 BBQ sauces 
10 red sauces
10 Szechuan sauces
The women behind the screen must have thought I was a nutter.

Finally with food on board I was headed home, to be greater by a herd of people grabbing food and drinks.
Heading back to the jeep to unload the shopping, I see Charlie already there taking the bags out and lifting them effortlessly towards the house. "Here Charlie go get your food befkre it goes cold. I'll get this." He just smiles and says, "No come on in you get we'll get these away before they thaw out too much" before walking into the house. Such a gentleman but his Big Mac will be too cold to eat. I think before heading in the house and closing the door.

House Full Of Dorks(A Busted, Son Of Dork, IM5, McFly and One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now