First Kiss

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Okay something is up. I get home and James and Frankie have been so secretive and giggling at every time they look at each other.... Wait! Did they get together while I was out shopping???!!! Nooo they wouldn't. Would they? Surely Frankie would have rushed to tell me like she always does....
I'm standing in my kitchen at the sink watching them having tea at the table. Doing nothing just drinking tea and stealing glances at each other!
"Right both of you. Talk. Now. What are you hiding?" I demand, slamming my hands on the counter behind me which scares the crap out of James. Funny.
"Je sis what's got you in a twist? Missing lover boy?" He smirks.
"Yes but he'll be back tomorrow as will the rest of the boys. Now talk. Yous are hiding something and I think I know what it is." Both of their faces then stark white. Like they've seen a ghost or something.
"W-what do you mean? Hiding something?" Frankie starts to stutter. She never stutters unless she's really worried. I sit down opposite them both. "Well I come home from shopping before the boys all come back and yous are giggling and whispering to each other and sitting extremely close to each other and you both can't take your eyes off each other." They both go bright red and smile. James looks over at Frankie and lets out a sigh before grabbing her hand. "Do you just want to tell her?" He asks causing her to nod. "I asked Frankie out a few nights ago before everyone left and she said yes so we went for ice cream and to the park when everyone else was busy. When you were away today I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes." I squealed with pure delight, "I'm so happy for you both," before hugging them. "James, hurt her and brother or not you're dead." He smiles and nods, "Wouldn't dream of it." Oh adorable. I'm gonna head upstairs to sort some stuff out. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do and please James anywhere but the kitchen. It's completely off limits." "MACKENZIE!!!" I hear Frankie scream before I run upstairs.

"That was close. I thought she knew what Charlie had planned. I'm sorry about that." I say as I let go of Frankie, who for some reason looks very disappointed.
"It's okay. I know you had to just get her off the scent of something going on." She says getting up to leave her cup in the sink. I followed behind her.
"Frankie what's wrong?" She just shakes her head turns to me and smiles but I can see how upset she is.
"It's okay James. Nothing is wrong. Don't worry. I'm going to go do some reading." She makes her way to the door before I stop her. I grab her hand and pull her into my arms. Her breathing hitches. Does she want me like I want her? Did she want our little story to be real??? "Frankie I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. Hit me if you want," I say before I kiss her cutting off her questions. Frankie kisses me back and I swear I see lights and fireworks and stars. I hold onto her tight and her arms wind round my neck. I don't know how long we stood there kissing but I never wanted it to end.

OH MY GOD! James is actually kissing me! Oh my God I feel light headed. This is an amazing. Dont ever let this end please. I don't know how long we were there but it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. All too suddenly he pulls away but doesn't let go. "Wow," I say stupidly. He just laughs and says "wow." We spend forever smiling at each other and looking in one another's eyes. "Frankie I have to ask you something," James starts. "Yes James?" He moves one hand behind his head. "Um I was just wondering if maybe you'd um-?" "Yes?" "If you'd go out? With me?" I smiled even bigger than before and nod my head "yes James I'd love to." He smiles back and lifts me up and spins me around making me hold on tight and giggle. Setting me down, he kisses me on the nose. Could he get any more cuter?

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